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Sir Bob Jones

Until the advent of the virus over the previous six decades I’d spent at least half my life abroad. I went and sometimes lived for times virtually everywhere which taught me that people are basically the same, thus I lost any sense of nationalism.

Then suddenly I found myself compelled to stay here for 3 years, thanks to the hermit kingdom absurdity. I was appalled by New Zealanders meek passivity to this and most of all to the ludicrous but now dead Jacindamania madness.

For that matter Jacinda herself was disbelieving, writing in the Guardian at the time how she’d lie in bed bewildered and suffering from imposter syndrome. The then lapdog NZ media, surviving on a $65 million government bribe with taxpayer money, opted to ignore that story.

So for three years now, lots of golf and tennis plus time to deal with hitherto ignored health problems. I had a book published of four novellas. Then someone suggested this Blog as an outlet for my frustration. Initially, I confined it to humour to lighten our days. But as the government’s screaming incompetence, fear-mongering, outrageously divisive racist activism favouring Maoridom and much, much more, saw me deal with more serious topics.

The absolute low point of the past three years was the public’s passive acceptance of the imposed nanny state. The “Team of five million” and “Be Kind” mantras belong in kindergartens. For me they were unbelievable. I was ashamed to be a New Zealander as common sense went out the window. The Be Kind childishness was particularly outrageous given the unbelievably cruel, unnecessary and illegal prohibition on thousands of Kiwis prevented from returning home, in numerous cases to farewell dying family members.

At the outbreak of the virus I forecast on this site that when it was all done and dusted Sweden’s “live with it” approach will be shown as the correct one. It’s not yet all done and dusted but that’s now been accepted and widely adopted.

I was correct with my Swedish prediction but will be equally right with my forecast of a landslide defeat for the government next year. The big issue causing bitterness across the land is the ludicrous Maori wonderfulness nonsense. Add roaring inflation and a population exodus to Australia and I fear an angry and dispirited nation in 1993.

It’s deja with the 1983-4 mood. At the time, Muldoon, unable to cope with the economic consequences of his bad decisions, adopted the approach of constant foreign travel, babbling nonsense about another Bretton Woods conference. He viewed these travels as photo opportunities with polite foreign leaders, intended to impress the voters back home. They didn’t, a point Jacinda should note having announced a similar foreign leaders’ meetings programme.

Late last year on this blog I wrote that after tidying up some matters I was out of here in the new year as I don’t wish to spend such time as left to me in an angry state. So I’ve now left for foreign parts.

So no more blogs, at least for four months but a big thankyou to everyone who added their comments and helped endure the craziness of an increasingly inept government.

Thanks also to cartoonists Garrick Tremain and Bob Brockie so I’ll close with another on the mark Tremain offering.

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