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Feminist Silence on Men’s Workplace Death Gap

Feminists are dreadfully adept at sniffing out all manner of “gaps” where it suits them: “gender pay gap”, even an “orgasm gap”. But there’s one gender-based gap that tends not to stimulate their hypertrophied “outrage” glands: the workplace death gap.

Nearly every worker who dies on the job is male. The disparity is so staggering that even feminists seem to realise that they can’t lie and concoct a false panic about it – as they do, for instance, every time a woman has the misfortune to be murdered, blithely ignoring that men are murdered at far higher rates. Instead, feminists just completely ignore the deadly gap that disadvantages men.

Economist Mark Perry has for years noted that there’s an even bigger and far more consequential gender gap in the workplace — one that literally means the difference between life and death.
He notes that official government data show that men suffer almost all of the workplace fatalities that take place in a given year.

In 2015, for example, there were 4,836 workplace deaths, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of those, 4,492 were men, and 344 were women. In other words, men suffered 93% of workplace fatalities that year. This wasn’t some aberration. From 2011 through 2015, men accounted for 92.5% of all workplace deaths.

Yeah, but who cares about such trivial stuff as men dying, when women have to contend with real issues, like “manspreading”? Priorities, people.

Feminists tout such nonsense as “Equal Pay Day”, which supposedly “symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year”.

Using the National Committee on Pay Equity’s methodology, Perry came up with what he calls the Equal Occupational Fatality Day. Based on the different fatality rates, this day doesn’t occur until January 21, 2029.

“That date,” Perry says, mimicking the language of the NCPE, “symbolizes how far into the future American women will be able to continue working before they experience the same loss of life that men experienced in 2015 from work-related deaths.”

The workplace death gap is tied into another “gap” that feminists don’t like to talk about. While they endlessly whine and moan if fields like STEM have the slightest gender imbalance, they studiously ignore that fields like teaching are almost completely dominated by women. The fact that women also avoid the most dangerous jobs is also carefully neglected.

This huge gap has nothing to do with discrimination, of course. It has everything to do with the type of jobs men and women voluntarily choose to take.

In a chart on his blog, Perry notes that the most dangerous professions — logging, fishing, pilots, roofers, garbage collectors, and so on — are all dominated by men. Low-risk occupations — administrative support, health care, education — tend to be dominated by women.

The conclusion he draws from this is that men are far more willing than women to take on higher-risk jobs in exchange for higher pay, and this also plays a role in explaining away the supposed pay gap.
