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Finally! a Win in Parliament for Firearms Owners

guns The BFD

Nicole McKee
Fair and Reasonable Campaign

This is a short post for those of you who have (or have had) licences expiring during the lockdown period. On Tuesday, the Government introduced the COVID-19 Response (Further Management Measures) Legislation Bill which includes measures to extend the expiry of certain licences. This will give you four months to put your application in for renewal.

This is something we’ve been working hard to achieve behind the scenes.  Similar provisions were put in place for motor vehicle licences – firearms licences should always have been included in that law change.

The Bill is now with the Epidemic Response Select Committee – you can read our Select Committee submission on the Bill here. We’ve welcomed these changes but asked that they put in an additional provision to ensure you don’t get hit with any application fee increases or late fees.

We’re expecting this to go through Parliament early this week and will give you a full update then on what it means for you.

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