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First They Cancelled the Scandinavians: Now It’s Australia’s Turn

Erasing the Australian identity to make way for the glorious Marxist utopia. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

Where will we hold Australia,
we who have no other country?
Not Indigenous, merely born here.

Les Murray

The Scandinavians have recently been told in no uncertain terms that they’re “Niente. Nada…there is no such thing”. Soyboys screech, “You don’t have a culture, you’re white!” Now, Australians are being told that their culture and history are only fit to be erased.

Western Sydney University says the idea that British or white European cultures constitute a “core” Australian national identity has become “redundant and is based on imperialist logics”.

In its submission to a Senate inquiry into nationhood and democracy, the university said Australia’s national identity should be “based on the cultures of the indigenous peoples of this country”.

Make sense out of this sewer of Marxist verbiage, if you can:

“Decolonisation efforts must … underscore policies of immigration and multiculturalism in order to foster a more equitable, empathetic and hospitable environment for those populations that are identified by the self-designated ‘dominant’ Australian cultures — the racially neutral zero-point — as culturally or racially ‘diverse’[…]True egalitarianism must start from all feeling secure to be who they are, despite any divergence from what remains entrenched as a core, Anglo-centric sense of nation and national identity.”
That was genuine Marxist gibberish! The BFD.

If prolix incoherence doesn’t work, the baffling bullshit-artists can always resort to plain old bollocks.

The NSWALC cited work by Professor Marcia Langton who noted that: “[Aborigines were] dmitted neither as nations nor as citizens”.

This is arrant nonsense on a par with the zombie-like social media lie that “Aborigines were classed as flora and fauna”. From the moment the colony at Sydney Cove was founded, until 1947, Aborigines, like all Australians, were regarded as British subjects. When the new class of Australian citizenship was created in 1947, it most definitely included Aborigines.

If falsehoods and incomprehensible academic-ese aren’t enough, there’s always blatant self-contradiction.

The committee calls for the immediate removal of “racially discriminatory clauses in the Constitution”, making constitutional recognition for indigenous Australians a priority and to implement an indigenous representative voice to parliament.

“Recognising” one race only in the Constitution and establishing race-based political institutions, almost certainly Constitutionally-enshrined if the “Voice” advocates get their way, is the very definition of racially discriminatory clauses in the Constitution.

Without the slightest blush of embarrassment, let alone self-awareness, these race-baiting numpties then go on to declare that, “some Australians report a growing sense that democracy is under threat”.

Why, yes, they do – and they know exactly who is threatening it: race-obsessed academics and “progressives”. Australians are very aware that, like the Scandinavians who are openly told that they are nothing, we are increasingly the victims of what Les Murray recognised as “a racism practised only against ourselves”.

“Public trust in democratic ­institutions is declining. Notions of national identity, which can be the roots of a democratic community, are changing as our world becomes increasingly interconnected.”

Australia’s national identity is not changing. We know who we are. It’s only furrow-browed “intellectuals” who are incapable of grasping what most Australians know instinctively. If you have to ask, then you’ll never know, as Louis Armstrong said.

Australians are also becoming increasingly, angrily, aware that they are being systematically erased by the left-elite, especially the academic lickspittles of neo-Marxist globalism.

When we are made fully nothing
by our own, at home and abroad,
where will he hold Australia?

Les Murray

Erasing the Australian identity to make way for the glorious Marxist utopia. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

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