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Sir Bob Jones

Surely it’s long overdue for the New Zealand Herald to desist hammering major law firm Russell McVeagh.

Six years ago at the firm’s Christmas party, one of their partners over-imbibed and engaged in age-old drunken behaviour, publicly groping some of the young females in attendance. There was a subsequent fuss and the partner duly resigned but ever since the Herald, and to a lesser extent, Stuff, have regurgitated this incident.

Now I’m aware of similar past occurrences in the Stuff office, so too the Herald, going back decades. As said, this sort of incident is age-old and there would be few young women over twenty five who haven’t been on the receiving end. The sexual impulse and alcohol combination leads to such behaviour, probably at least a million times a day across the globe.

Here’s an alternative for the Herald to fill their pages. Surely it’s way overdue for them to give us another run of “The Tragic Life and Death of Sonny Fai”, a piece of fiction they created nearly thirteen years back during the silly season, which they’ve subsequently used as a repeat filler item thereafter at about six months intervals.

If they don’t give it another run soon I might start a petition from readers suffering withdrawal symptoms.

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