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Photo by Sincerely Media. The BFD.
Bad news for Kiwis who love a classic pavlova on Christmas, New Zealand is in for an egg shortage.

New egg farming rules coming into force next month and high bird-feed costs are driving huge price increases and rationing of eggs.


The new farming rules have forced small egg farmers to either stop cage farming or stop farming altogether.

In 2012, the government put into place a code of welfare for laying hens with changes to be made within 10 years’ time, which meant battery cages would no longer be legal by the end of 2022.

At the time about 84% of producers used the cage method.

Now they are having to redesign their businesses around the colony, barn or free range methods, each which brought their own challenges and expenses.

Many opted for the colony method, which still saw chickens caged, but in groups up to 60 with a nesting area, scratching post and perches, he said.

However, most major supermarkets have pledged to stop selling colony eggs by at latest 2027. Countdown will quit selling colony eggs by 2025.


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