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There is simply no denying that anti-Semitism is spreading like a virulent plague across the West. Such open and violent hatred of Jews has not been seen since the Brownshirts romper-stomped through the streets of Berlin.

In the USA alone, where anti-Semitism was already by far the most prevalent hate crime, anti-Semitic incidents have increased by 75% in just the past year. They’ve tripled in the past six years. Anti-Jewish attacks have reached their highest levels since records began in 1979.

So, how has the Biden administration responded?

The White House announced Wednesday the administration will develop a National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia in the United States.


Yes, you read that right. Biden’s top priority is not the victims of the worst bigotry in decades, but its perpetrators.

In response to the October 7 atrocities, Muslims in New York menaced a Jewish vigil, laughing and making throat-slitting gestures.

Muslims polled around the world overwhelmingly share anti-Jewish views. Muslim Democrat, Rashida Tlaib, who infamously said, “there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust”, has been Jew-bashing with gusto. Her latest remarks include alluding to a shadowy “them”, who exploit “us”, “from Detroit to Gaza”. Not to be outdone, fellow Muslim Democrat Ilhan Omar compared Hamas and the Taliban to the USA and Israel.

But Sleepy Joe and his demented far-left party aren’t done pandering to Muslim anti-Semitism, yet. Now, Joe’s apologising for not believing Hamas propaganda.

After questioning the number of casualties in Gaza, which were provided by the notoriously unreliable Gaza Health Ministry, President Joe Biden reportedly apologized to multiple prominent Muslim-American leaders after openly questioning the accuracy of the death toll from the Hamas run government.

Biden questioned the figures during an Oct. 25 press conference stating, “I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s a price of waging war.”

Which is absolutely true. As George Orwell pointed out in 1944, anyone who thinks it’s possible to wage war without collateral damage is a fool at best. A useful idiot for thugs and savages who hide behind human shields, like Hamas.

The truth, though, is kryptonite to glass-jawed Muslims. So, of course, Biden went crawling.

According to The Washington Post, Biden reportedly met with five Muslim American leaders the following day and told the group “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed in myself.”

This, is despite Hamas’ demonstrated track record of, not just bloodthirsty savagery, but relentless lies.

Many have questioned the numbers from the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health, claiming that over 14,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in Israel’s war against Hamas.

There appears to be no distinction between who was a terrorist and who was a civilian in the totals. Additionally, Hamas has repeatedly lied about the casualty numbers, and videos have even shown “dead” bodies moving, sitting up, and even checking cell phones while being filmed for propaganda videos.

The most outrageous example was Hamas claiming 500 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a hospital, which was parroted by the mainstream media. It was revealed by US and Israeli intelligence, using, in part, footage from Al Jazeera, that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket misfired and landed in the hospital parking lot.

The Post-Millennial

But, hey, other than that, Hamas are totally trustworthy.

I mean, if you can’t believe the scumbags who roasted babies alive and gutted pregnant women, who can you believe?


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