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Anthony Albanese: Loser. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When a PM gets loudly booed by a sporting crowd, it’s not a good sign.

It’s not exactly new, either: the Open crowd most recently booed a tennis official for promoting Covid vaccines, while an MCG crowd loudly booed then-PM Tony Abbott. I also remember a huge crowd in Sydney booing Malcolm Fraser shortly before his 1983 drubbing. It’s not even a first for Anthony Albanese, who was heckled and jeered when he tried on his ‘cool Dad’ shtick at the Byron Bay Bluesfest.

So, no, it’s not new – but the point is that it’s never been a good sign when thousands of Australians are united in a chorus of jeers. And what a chorus it was.

During the closing ceremony, as presenter Todd Woodbridge welcomed the Prime Minister on behalf of Tennis Australia, the atmosphere took an uncomfortable shift. The 15,000-strong audience erupted in vociferous boos, drowning out Woodbridge’s speech and persisting through the introductions of other VIP attendees, including Victoria’s Deputy Premier, Ben Carroll.

The Australian

According to Woodbridge, the boos were even louder on Central Court than they sound in the video.

But if breaking one key promise, on Stage Three tax cuts, wasn’t enough to spark such a hostile reaction, Anthony “My word is my bond” Albanese is under increasing pressure from his feral-left backbench to break even more.

There is support within the Albanese government for revisiting Labor’s negative gearing policies in a future term, as MPs and ­unions push for immediate cost-of-living relief before the stage three tax cuts are introduced on July 1.

Of course, like all socialist meddling, such a broken tax promise will only worsen the cost-of-living crisis, rather than ease it. Because, without negative gearing, tens of thousands of mum-and-dad investors will pull out of the rental market. As anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of economics knows, less supply at same or higher demand – prices will go through the roof.

As for the idea that millions of renters will magically pull a home loan deposit out of their backsides, even if house prices drop… well, only someone who’s spent their whole life skating from university to politics or a high-paying union office job could be so out of touch with reality.

As if to prove just how out of touch these loons are:

Electrical Trades Union national secretary Michael Wright said the “No 1 item” to address cost-of-living pressures was for the government to provide assistance with household electrification.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus said the peak union body also wanted increased support to “grow the renewables industry to push down energy prices to help with the cost of living”.

The Australian

Except that it’s the top-down imposition of more ‘renewables’ – the most expensive means of generating electricity – and a government-enforced push for ‘household electrification’ costing tens of thousands of dollars per household, which are the very things sending power bills through the roof.

These people really do live on another planet.

Unfortunately, these left-alien invaders are invading everywhere they can, while the invading’s good. Firming up more and more as a likely one-termer, Albanese is flooding the public sphere with as many jobs for Labor mates as he can get his grubby little paws on.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has announced the appointment of Greg Combet as chair of the Future Fund Board of Guardians.

Mr Combet is a former Climate Change and Energy Minister and is the current chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency.

The Australian

Not to mention a lifelong Labor-Big Union hack.

So, stand by to see the Future Fund, Australia’s intergenerational sovereign wealth fund, pissed away on looney-left, socialist pet boondoggles.

This jobs-for-mates appointment is not just another salient for the Long March left, it’s the ultimate act of revenge for the embittered 90s left against the Howard government which kept them consigned to the opposition benches for over a decade. The Future Fund was, of course, founded by its now-outgoing chair, Peter Costello. But, during the bitter 1998 waterfront dispute, it was Combet who ran point for the thuggish waterfront unions.

So, Australia’s sovereign wealth fund is set to be plundered, all in the name of settling old scores by the left.
