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The BFD. Photo by Bruce Mars

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Today is a FREE taste of an Insight Politics article by writer John Black

Image credit The BFD.

Media Protection Racket Reveals Where Loyalties Lie

Is there a more corrupt sector in modern life than our media?

A corruption never more apparent than when they are scrambling to protect one of their ideological allies.

It makes them appear like a gigantic protection racket with fealty to the political commitments of the urban technocratic Left as the payola. Their fierce protection of those willing to pay this price make the Mafia look like Girl Guides.

Three examples from the past week, one foreign, two domestic.

A ‘recall’ is one of the oddities of the US gubernatorial system. In 19 states, if a governor displeases the electorate, they can, via a petition, be subject to a ‘recall’. Voters are asked two questions: do they want to recall the incumbent and if so who of a list of candidates do they wish to replace them. Today (American time) the California governor Gavin Newsom is facing such a vote. In a field that includes famous man-lady warrior Kaitlyn Jenner, Larry Elder, a black radio personality, leads the polls as Newsom’s replacement. So far, so Californian.

The kink in the tail is that Elder is an avowed conservative. This means the mainstream media must sling as much mud at him as possible, lest he be elected and they have another Trump on their hands. So out come the newspaper columns accusing him of being the “black face of white supremacy” (??) and the magazine stories filled with scurrilous allegations from girlfriends past.

But worse was to come. Last week a woman in a gorilla mask attempted to egg Mr Elder (thankfully she threw like a woman and missed). The American media shrugged. Only a few years earlier in the reign of Donald T (peace be upon him) all it took to convict the Covington school boy of racism was an awkward smirk. But when a racist trope is used by one of the media’s allies, a left-wing activist, they get a pass. If the incident was reported at all, the racist element was not commented on. If Elder were a black democrat it would still be dominating the news cycle.

Returning to these shores, the recent treatment of two of our own public figures show where media loyalties lie.

David Seymour draws attention to race-based preferential treatment by tweeting out Maori-only vax codes. This is entirely consistent with ACT’s stand against such policies and resulted in no great deluge of Pakeha feigning Tangata Whenua status to jump the vax queue. Regardless, he was insulted on Twitter by a TV political journalist (what exactly is a “cockwomble”? I don’t recall Uncle Bulgaria being anatomically correct) accused of “sabotaging” the vaccination rollout by John Tamihere and of ‘disrupting an entire nation’s health’ by the hysterical girl’s blouse who writes under the byline ‘Joel Maxwell’ on Stuff.

And finally, we come to Siouxsie Wiles. Despite being caught on camera disregarding her own (very frequently given) Covid advice, she hasn’t simply fessed up but contorted herself inside out attempting to self-justify. She just doesn’t seem to get why people who have been virtual prisoners in their homes for almost five weeks might be more than a little annoyed at the person whose advice is keeping them there, not doing the same. Yes, the infractions were petty, but that’s the point: the advice itself is petty-mask up every time you leave the house! – with scant evidence to justify it.

The mainstream media leapt into action – and focussed entirely on the source of the video rather than Wiles’s transgressions.  That this reminder of what good journalism looks like – calling the powerful to account – came from The BFD, enraged them. Immediately The Spinoff, Wiles’s media home, got their senior writer, Toby Manhire to rush out a defence. With The Spinoff getting millions in government money, Manhire defending the government-employed Wiles is like Al Capone calling on John Gotti as a character witness.

The legacy media don’t trust us to chew gum and walk at the same time. They won’t publish the truth about ivermectin, afraid that we will confuse a Covid treatment with a Covid vaccine. They won’t just tell us the policies of a candidate and let us decide for ourselves their virtues; they must tell us who to vote for. And they won’t expose the hypocrisy of one of their trusted science advisors for fear that we will wake up and realise that Covid caution has morphed into a Covid fear-mongering so petty as to stop us enjoying one of our Kiwi birthrights – the right to head to the beach any time we wish.

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