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swinging door
Old saloon entrance with swinging doors

These past two years have been tough. I have fought to challenge the prevailing narrative, knowing deep in my heart that I would be proved right. There have been many people who expect me to fight for them and their freedoms. They’d email and say that we should do this, or should do that, or cover this or that.

Sometimes the pressure to fight for freedoms and rights became unbearable, and often with little thanks or gratitude. More often we were met with spiteful attacks but most often our fight was met with stony silence.

Frankly, I’m done fighting for others. If you can’t be bothered fighting for yourself then I fail to see why I should put myself on the line for you.

There are those who do provide support though, through memberships and donations and positive feedback… but by and large most people are bludgers and takers. They add nothing to my life and take plenty.

So I’ve been taking stock, looking at those who have supported me, and wondering how I can support them, their businesses, their families and their belief system. I’m thinking of creating a directory of freedom-loving businesses and organisations, but also a converse directory of those who discriminate. It’s worth some consideration. Feel free to discuss this in the comments.

The discrimination and divisive mandates have taught those of us who were discriminated against who our mates truly are. You find out who your true friends are in your darkest times. I will never ever forget this dark time and who stood by me and who didn’t. Those who chose to discriminate and those who didn’t. In taking stock I’m also looking at those who I supported but who were nowhere to be seen when I needed support. It can be very lonely when you are fighting the machinery of the state.

I’ve kept score, and it’s time to balance the ledger.

Those who remained silent while we fought for freedom, we saw you. Those, perhaps, are worse than the ones who attacked us for standing up for our rights and freedoms. We saw them too. We also saw the complete disdain the politicians heaped upon us, and they will never be forgiven.

What we learned is to not trust the government, nor the majority of the population. We also learned the value of friendship, respect, loyalty and mutual trade and business. We will always value that.

Those who discriminated, we will remember that too. So if you find that I’m no longer trading with you, talking to you or socialising with you, think about this. I’m only picking up what you were putting down. The door swings both ways. Your silence told me everything I needed to know about how you valued my business, my friendship or my loyalty. It’s quid pro quo.

This ain’t over yet, by any stretch of the imagination. Those of you who complied haven’t yet worked out that you can’t comply your way out of tyranny. If you are feeling just a little bit guilty reading this, then good: my words have made you reflect upon your past behaviour.

The good news is that you can still change the trajectory you are on. You can resist the tyrant. Just say no to masks and restrictions. Support those who do fight. Sometimes all that is required is a simple word of encouragement.

Support businesses that embrace freedom and reject those who cuddle up to discrimination.

Join organisations and political parties that support freedoms and rights; reject those who stomped on our freedoms and rights. If that means resigning from Labour, ACT, National and the Greens, so be it. They deserve nothing. They haven’t earned the right to represent us.

Standing up and fighting for our freedoms is more critical now than it’s been in decades. I won’t stand idle and be responsible through inaction for letting this get worse. It will get so much worse regardless of course, but, win or lose, when I look back in the future, I want to know I did something. I’ll stand and fight next to you any day if you are willing to fight with me.

I will continue fighting for those who also fight for themselves. No. One. Else. I make no apologies for calling things how I see them. I won’t say sorry if I’ve offended you with my frank words. I will keep on dropping truth bombs even if that means you go elsewhere. That’s fine: at least we will know where you stand, and it isn’t with us.

Remember, always live with freedom in your hearts. Let that feeling fill your being. Surround yourselves with other freedom lovers. Reject those who would oppress you. Tell the oppressors: don’t tread on me.

It’s now about looking after me and mine, and you can become part of that family – it’s very easy. Stand for freedom, embrace freedom, support freedom and live with freedom in your heart.


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