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When White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, made her first appearance in the job, she announced her qualifications. Respectively, her race, her gender, and her sexual preferences. That was it.

The ability to string together a comprehensible sentence in English wasn’t one of the qualifications she touted.

And well should she not. Not when she’s so prone to babbling such inane nonsense as this:

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is facing criticism after she offered her condolences to the families of three U.S. troops killed in Jordan.

On Sunday, CNN reported three Army soldiers were killed and over 30 were injured in a drone attack on an outpost in Jordan. U.S. officials blamed the attack on Iran-backed militants.

And during an appearance on MSNBC on Monday, Jean-Pierre said, “I will say, obviously our deepest condolences go out — and our heartfelt condolences go out — to the families who lost three — three brave — three brave uh — three folks who are military folks who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf of this administration — of the American people, obviously more so, more importantly.”

No, they’re not “folks”, they’re servicemen and women. Troops. Soldiers.

They even have names: Specialist Kennedy Sanders, Sergeant William Jerome Rivers and Specialist Breonna Alexsondria Moffett.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) chimed in, “They’re called ‘service members’ – maybe she should visit a base sometime. Or spend a day at Arlington National Cemetery.”

Apart from the awkward and insulting faux-chumminess of “folks who are military folks”, the conceit that the military is there to fight for the Biden regime is as telling as it is gobsmacking.

“Say what you will about this word salad, but the idea that anyone in the military is fighting on behalf of any administration is precisely what is wrong with the DC ruling class. Disgusting comment,” wrote Jeremy Redfern, a press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R).

Former Sen. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) wrote, “Note to the Press Secretary… These are not ‘folks’. They are service members who gave their lives NOT for this administration, but for the Country they serve!”

Independent Journal Review

Still, what else should we expect from an administration which personally vetted the troops selected as a kind of Praetorian Guard to surround Washington for months in early 2020 for loyalty to the regime. And which subjected the entire US military to a Stalinist-lite purge and re-education campaign, ensuring their commitment to the regime’s “DEI” and racial ideology.

Truly, from the mouths of dim bulbs and leftist suckerfish hast thou ordained idiocy.
