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Gazans Should Count Themselves Lucky

Was Kurtz onto something? In the doom-laden climax of Heart of Darkness, the malaria-deranged Kurtz utters his famous dying words, The horror! The horror! Exterminate all the brutes!

UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps recently pointed out an obvious fact that completely escapes the modern left antisemites bellowing for a ceasefire: In war, people get killed. In the war to crush Nazism and the barbarous Japanese empire, millions of civilians died. Thousands in a single bombing raid on Berlin. Tens of thousands in a single raid on Dresden. And 100,000 civilians were killed in a single attack on Tokyo.

Which puts into some perspective the leftist fainting fits over Gaza. Even if the Palestinian authorities are to be believed (they’re not), the IDF has killed in weeks a fraction of the civilians the Allies killed in a single night in WWII. As Shapps pointed out, lamentable as it may be, civilian deaths are an inescapable consequence of ridding the world of evil.

And Hamas is evil. Very, very, very evil.

As Douglas Murray devastatingly pointed out, while he was verbally beating the odious Piers Morgan into spluttering silence, the only metric of evil millennials are even capable of comprehending is “Nazis”. Well, put this in your vape and smoke it, you horking “pro-Palestine” millennial cretins: Hamas are even worse than Nazis. Palestine is worse than Nazi Germany.

Because, as Murray said, at least the Nazis were ashamed of what they did.

They tried to hide their mass murder of Jews. That doesn’t absolve them; they still followed orders. But they knew, at heart, that what they were doing was wrong, that their mothers would not be proud of their actions.

The Hamas Muslims, on the other hand, are, as Murray pointed out, very proud of their rapes and murders. Gleeful, even. They called their moms during the Oct 7 massacres and bragged, “I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands! Your son’s a hero!”

And when, as Hamas’ apologists will, Morgan spluttered and pontificated about “Palestinian civilians”, Murray brutally reminded him that Palestinian civilians lined the streets of Gaza to cheer Hamas’ butchers like returning heroes. They laughed and hooted with glee at livestreams of the atrocities. They jeered and spat and kicked the corpse of raped and murdered Shani Louk as she was paraded as a victory trophy on the back of a truck.

At least German civilians retained enough semblance of decency to pretend zey knew nuzzink. When the liberating Americans frog-marched nearby German villagers through the death camps, they wept and retched. Palestinians laughed and handed out sweets.

In opinion polls, Muslims regularly cheer on terrorism against civilians: Muslims in Muslim lands by clear majorities; Muslims in Europe between 22 per cent to 42 per cent. Muslims in America, 26 per cent.

I contrasted that with Professor Peter Merkl’s masterful 1975 study of the 581 founding Nazi Party members. Merkl revealed that of these “OG” hardcore Nazis, only 12.9 per cent advocated violence against Jews and only 19 per cent expressed “moderate disdain for Jews” […]

Anti-Semitism was seen as such a losing issue in terms of public acceptance, the Nazis buried it during the elections of 1932 and 1933 […]
The contrast is clear: Advocacy of violence against civilians in the name of “defending Islam” is far more widespread among everyday Muslims than advocacy of violence against Jews was among not just everyday Germans but hardcore founding Nazis.

Worse than Nazis. Let that sink in, you ‘liberals’ who’ve spent the past 20 years shrieking that everyone you don’t like is a Nazi: you’re marching in your thousands for people who want to kill Jews even more than hardcore actual Nazis.

Of course, the Holocaust still happened. But that’s to Murray’s point about Nazis being ashamed of what they did. They knew it was not only wrong, but unpopular. Many of the SS men who executed Jewish children one by one during the Einsatzgruppen phase of the Holocaust turned into drunken wrecks (this is one of the reasons Himmler decided to farm out much of that work to Ukrainians, and to replace shooting with gas chambers in the Reinhard camps). The book The Good Old Days contains multiple contemporaneous accounts of SS men writing home about how ashamed they were of what they’d done. It even includes the proceedings of an SS court set up to imprison SS officers who seemed too “enthusiastic” about the work.

Contrast Murray’s (correct) claim that in all the footage of the Oct 7 massacres, the one thing you don’t see is a single Pali saying, “Wait, hold up, we’re going too far; we’re soldiers, not rapists,” to Himmler bitching to his SS officers at Posen that average Germans are getting in the way of the exterminations because they don’t want to see their Jewish friends harmed.

Anyone who’s endured even a cursory viewing the horrifying Hamas snuff videos will notice some very clear and contrasting to the Nazis:

There’s not one moment of Oct 7 footage that shows any Akbar trying to intervene.

I dare you to watch the videos. Spot a single Palestinian civilian trying to stop the bloodthirsty madness or intervening to prevent the abduction of women, families and children. Instead, they’re hooting and dancing like blood-deranged chimpanzees.

And before you give me that claptrap about “Well, the people of Gaza are traumatized! What do you expect?” remember that the polls I cited of Muslims and their love of civilian-killing come from Muslims living safely in their own nations and Muslims living off white-provided welfare in Europe.

So take your “traumatization” and shove it.

So, what’s the solution? Go all Dresden on Gaza? It’s never worked on Palestinians yet.

Hamburg and Dresden, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Tokyo firebombing, were effective because they were employed against civilized humans. You can beat high-IQ, civilized people into submission, because they can do the math and understand when acceptance of defeat is the best path forward for themselves and their children. You cannot beat wild dogs into submission. Wild dogs – whether driven mad by rabies or “trauma” – do not know defeat. They will keep biting and kicking until their last breath.

Meaning, there’s no way out for Israel. A hundred Dresdens will not stop a people (Palis) overtaken by bloodlust. At the same time, as evidenced by the bloodlust exhibited by well-off Muzzies in Europe, being nice to the Palis won’t help either.


So, what? Exterminate the brutes? A New York Jewish writer caused a firestorm (Dresden pun!) recently, by pondering if, just occasionally, genocide can be acceptable. Yeah, that’s definitely pushing the envelope too far, Yossie.

A two-state solution? Don’t make me laugh: the Palis have never, ever, wanted a two-state solution. The last time the hapless John Kerry tried it, Ernest Goes to Camp David fashion, the Hamas demonstrated their enthusiasm by kidnapping and mutilation-murdering Israeli teenagers.

Would you want to share a border with such bloodthirsty loons?

As David Cole gloomily concedes, too: beats me. As intractable problems go, the Palestinian bloodlust is the most intractable of the intractable.

One thing you can bet on, though: from now on, Israel is going to make them untouchables. Contrary to the short-brained delusions of Western Palimaniacs, ‘apartheid’ Israel has always let thousands of Palestinians cross the border every day to work. But these same day-workers were thick in the planning for 7 October, helpfully supplying Hamas with maps and details of who would be home and when. They virtually trussed up Israelis like Eid turkeys for the Hamas butchers.

So you can bet Israel won’t be so stupid as to let that happen again.


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