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Get Back on the Grog Matthew

Photo by Maximalfocus

Sir Bob Jones

Up until a couple of years back Matthew Hooton was in my view our most insightful political commentator and his Herald essays a sheer delight for their colourful expression.

Then it all went haywire, hitting the absolute pits when he became the active advocate for Todd Muller (remember him) to take over the National leadership. That ended in tears, both literally and metaphorically, after a less than 2 months reign at the top.

Puzzled, I made an enquiry as to what’s gone wrong and was told Matthew had gone on the wagon.

The result, a constant jumble of confusion. For example, a month back Hooton (rightly) described the current government as doomed and the worst in our history. Today he’s written how they can win next year, a proposition bordering on insanity.

I suspect his heart’s no longer in it as borne out by this nonsense today. Writing of the PM he refers to “The hallowed three times winner club alongside Key, Clark, Bolger and Muldoon.”

Pay attention Matthew. Open with William Fox, a four time Prime Minister (referred to then as Premier), add Edward Stafford, three separate times on the throne, so too Harry Atkinson. Or in the modern era, Syd Holland won three elections, all of which I vividly recall. Keith Holyoake chalked up three election victories plus a separate initial term when he took over from Holland who’d gone gaga in 1957.

Matthew, for God’s sake get back on the grog and start writing sense again.


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