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The issue of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 continues to bubble away in the background, as any move to discuss it openly has the heretic burned at the stake of public outrage as strident cries of “it’s a horse de-worming drug” resound.

The drug is not restricted to equine use as it is also used for beef and dairy cattle, reindeer, pigs, and bison – Ivermectin Injection for Animal Use – – although its detractors are quick to use animal use as a reason for the idiocy of human usage.

Image credit The BFD.

Antibiotics are used to treat animals, and no one questions their use for humans. Why the hysterics that accompany the mere suggestion of Ivermectin’s anti-viral activity and usage in other countries against Covid-19? Why not properly research it and find out if its proponents are right?

“Ivermectin is an FDA approved drug for use in humans to treat a variety of parasitic infections including parasitic worms, hookworm and whipworm. It may also be used as an effective treatment for a wide range of other conditions and as treatment for intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis or river blindness.  The antiviral activity of Ivermectin has been shown against a wide range of RNA and DNA viruses, for example, dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and others.”

Ivermectin Uses, Side Effects & Warnings –
“Discovered in the late 1970’s…there are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety, and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide—especially on hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people.”

It proved ideal in many ways, being highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well tolerated and could be easily administered (a single, annual oral dose).”

Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective (

Olivia Cavallaro on the 5th of October 2021 reported,

“Professor Eli Schwartz of the Sheba Medical Center in Israel, which is revered as one of the top hospitals in the world, is reporting positive outcomes after he conducted a study on ivermectin’s effectiveness in treating COVID.  Schwartz, whose medical experience includes fighting dengue and ebola outbreaks and starting the Travel Medicine and Tropical Disease Institute at Sheba, was also assigned by Israel’s Defense Ministry to find a medical solution to COVID. “This is the first drug to show antiviral activity. And then, I think, there’s a good reason to continue with a much more thorough investigation to see, for example, whether people who are at high risk, may not deteriorate to be hospitalized, to be mechanically ventilated, or to death,” Schwartz said.

“Schwartz’s clinical study on ivermectin’s effectiveness in beating COVID showed that on the fourth day, 86% of his patients who took ivermectin recovered. On the sixth day, up to 94% had recovered. This led the Israeli doctor to conclude, “Ivermectin decreased faster the viral load, and also sterilized the culture much better compared to the placebo.”

“But despite this, the mainstream media is fighting to keep ivermectin’s successes under wraps.”

Top Israeli Doctor Says Ivermectin ‘Really Has Antiviral Activities’, Urges More Research As Potential COVID Treatment : World : Christianity Daily

Justus R Hope, MD’s article published on the 27th of September 2021 and updated on the 2nd of December 2021, reported,

“Dr. John Campbell broke India’s Ivermectin Blackout wide open on YouTube by revealing the formula of the secret sauce, much to the dismay of Big Pharma, the WHO, and the CDC.

Each home kit contained: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter.”

“Dr. Campbell noted that there had been no recent cases in 59 Uttar Pradesh districts. In addition, out of 191,446 tests completed in the previous 24 hours, only 33 samples were positive for a test positivity rate of only 0.01%. Dr. Campbell called this low number “staggering.”

“By September, cases had fallen dramatically. Out of the entire state of 200 million plus inhabitants, only 187 active cases were left compared to the peak in April of 310,783 cases.”

“Dr. Campbell attributes their success to many factors, including early detection and early treatment with kits costing a mere $ 2.65 per person.”

He further notes that of millions of distributed kits there was not a single case of toxicity or poisoning. Not one person in Uttar Pradesh was reported to have had a problem with the drug.

“Notice that Dr. Campbell at no time criticizes the medicine kit as “fringe” or ineffective. After all, it would be improper to accuse a WHO-sponsored program such as the Uttar Pradesh test and treat – coordinated by WHO – of being “fringe.”

India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part V: The Secret Revealed | Columnists |

In America, a medico-legal battle is now underway, with doctors refusing to treat dying Covid patients with Ivermectin, and their families seeking legal intervention to have the medication used.  Several cases have seen miraculous recoveries.  Bloomberg Law is aware of litigation in New York, Ohio, Illinois, and Mississippi.

Nicole Karlis on the 18th of August 2021 asked

Is there any evidence ivermectin can treat COVID-19? We analyzed the prominent scientific studies and despite promising words in some studies, experts say ivermectin is a false hope for treating COVID.”  

Is there any evidence ivermectin can treat COVID-19? We analyzed the prominent scientific studies |
The establishment and MSM are very quick to condemn Ivermectin.

Consider too the fact that Pfizer is about to take another bite of the cherry with its Paxlovid, as reported by Josh Bloom on the 5th of November 2021.

“Now we have a potentially big “up,” because the results just came in on Pfizer’s COVID drug Paxlovid—and they are nothing short of amazing.”

Remdesivir, Get Out of the Way: Pfizer’s Antiviral Shines | American Council on Science and Health (

What of the trials for Paxlovid?

“Pfizer has reported interim analysis data from Phase II/III clinical trial where its experimental oral antiviral candidate, Paxlovid (PF-07321332; ritonavir), substantially reduced Covid-19-associated mortality and hospitalisation.”

“Nearly 0.8% of participants who received Paxlovid with three days of symptom onset were admitted to the hospital by day 28.

Paxlovid is an experimental inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease, an enzyme required by the coronavirus for replication.

The initial analysis of the interim data set assessed results from 1,219 adult subjects who were enrolled by 29 September this year.

The company noted that the data was highly statistically significant.”

Pfizer’s oral antiviral therapy lowers mortality risk in Covid-19 trial (

One trial?  Experimental drug?  1,219 trial participants?  Highly statistically significant?

“Pfizer seeks emergency use authorisation for Novel Covid-19 Oral Antiviral Candidate.”  

Pfizer Seeks Emergency Use Authorization for Novel COVID-19 Oral Antiviral Candidate | Pfizer

The trial was initiated in July 2021.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out over time. Given that there are apparently no other treatments yet on offer, the attraction of Ivermectin, when it is demonstrably safe in human doses and has been used in a WHO-led trial, is easy to understand. What is also easy to understand is the likelihood of big Pharma and political intervention to see off the use of a repurposed, cheap, tried and tested and well-respected drug. And also easy to understand the trial with the ink not yet dry on the report and the FDA application for emergency use authorisation.  Pfizer strikes again.

And surprise, surprise: instead of ordering the safe and cost-effective Ivermectin, Jacinda Ardern has this week ordered 60,000 doses of the experimental Pfizer medication!
