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GOOD News for Act in the Latest 1 News Poll

The latest 1News/Colmar Brunton poll is good news for the ACT Party and not so good news for Labour.

Labour’s support has fallen to its lowest in two years according to the latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll, and National and ACT still have the numbers to scrape together a Government.

Though still strongly leading in the preferred Prime Minister rankings, Jacinda Ardern also took a dive to her worst result since taking the top job.

Labour has fallen to its lowest level of support since December 2017, down to 39 per cent. Its results have been sliding ever since a surge in popularity last April saw the party hit 48 per cent.

Despite National also falling in support down to 46 per cent it still has the numbers to form a Government with ACT.

The David Seymour-led party rose slightly to two per cent, according to the poll results.

New Zealand First stayed below the MMP threshold at four per cent, the party last reaching the five per cent target in June. The Green Party remained steady on seven per cent.

Undecided voters sat at 17 per cent.

– National Party: 46%  (Down 1% point)
– Labour Party : 39%  (Down 1% point)
– Green Party: 7%  (Steady)
– New Zealand First: 4% (Steady)
– ACT: 2% (Up one percentage point)
– The Opportunities Party: 1% (Steady)
– New Conservative: 1% (Up 1% point)
– Maori Party: 1% (Steady)
Don’t know or refused to answer (17%).

“We don’t exist poll to poll,” Labour leader Jacinda Ardern said.

“Instead we focus on the things we need to be doing in rebuilding New Zealand and investing in  health and education. Those are the things we’re focused on.”

National has been ahead in the last four 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton polls.

National leader Simon Bridges said the results showed the Government was not “really up to much”.

“It shows National has momentum, that we know how to get things done. We did in Government and  actually even in Opposition we’re putting out more policy, we’ve got  more ideas than the entire Government.”

What a goose Bridges is. The poll shows momentum? National dropped! If that is momentum I’d hate to see what he’d call a bigger fall.

National supporters shouldn’t get cocky, as traditionally the two big parties slide during the election campaign, whilst smaller parties gain.

Whilst it looks like National could form a government with ACT, the numbers are still very thin. In reality the changes are all margin of error stuff, so National’s caucus shouldn’t get too cock-a-hoop. The party is still doing well despite their moronic leadership.

Sensible journalists would be asking Lynton Crosby what he thinks about National and why Crosby|Textor sacked them as clients.
