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Twins Alex and Lizzie McKay both have cystic fibrosis.
A Kiwi living with cystic fibrosis can’t wait to “see what it feels like to breathe through clear lungs” after Pharmac announced it would fully fund what is touted as a miracle drug.

Trikafta, supplied by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, will be funded for eligible cystic fibrosispatients aged six years old and above from April 1, 2023.

Twins Alex and Lizzie McKay both have cystic fibrosis. Lizzie works with Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand, and she was able to share the news with her brother on Sunday.

“I don’t really have words, the delivery of that news will stay with us for the rest of our lives,” she told AM.

“It’s been such an incredible few days.”



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