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Government Needs to Clear up Energy Uncertainty

The BFD. Carnage continues. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

News that Refining New Zealand shareholders have voted to shift Marsden Point to an import only terminal adds further uncertainty to New Zealand’s energy future, National’s Energy and Resources spokesperson Barbara Kuriger says.

“In four short years, Labour has upended New Zealand’s energy security and created an avalanche of uncertainty.

“From a rushed oil and gas ban to the proposal for a pumped hydro scheme, Labour is undermining investment and creating uncertainty.

“With the rise of wholesale electricity prices all across New Zealand we see industry, big and small, shutting up shop – Methanex Waitara Valley, Kawerau timber mill, Whangarei timber mill.

“High wholesale electricity prices resulting from reduced gas supplies, both now and into the future, is no doubt also part of the decision today.

“300 Northland families will sadly bear the brunt of Labour’s poor policies as jobs are lost.

“The Minister has received conflicting advice on if today’s decision will mean New Zealand is at risk of a fuel shortage in the event of future global disruptions.

“If I was a Minister, and I got two completely conflicting reports, I’d be asking where the truth was. I suspect the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

“Part of the problem is that advice has been made more difficult due to the poor quality of government data.

“Minister Woods needs to urgently improve her Ministry’s data capture and confirm what today’s decision will mean for New Zealand’s future energy security.”

The BFD. Carnage continues. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

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