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Government of Slovakia Recommends a Ban

It seems clear that these are dangerous times for those with some level of influence who dare to speak against emerging global authoritarian rule.

Photo by Adrian Regeci / Unsplash


According to their EU Country Profile, Slovakia is a nation of almost 5.5 million people, very close in population size to New Zealand. Their head of government is Prime Minister Dr Robert Fico (PhD), a former European Commission human rights lawyer, whose political career began in 1986 with the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. He was first elected to the Slovakian parliament in 1992, representing the Party of the Democratic Left. He now leads the Direction – Social Democracy party which he co-founded in 1999.

Fico has served three terms as prime minister, from 2005 to 2010; 2012 to 2018; and his current term began in October 2023. One of his first public statements as PM last year was his rejection of the World Health Organization’s pandemic legislation, which he called “nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies”.

In January 2024 Fico announced creation of an Office of the Government Plenipotentiary to investigate and make public knowledge, “what really happened during this Covid period“. He cited Slovakia’s 21,000 excess deaths since 2020 and alleged profiteering by government officials from medical supplies and drugs including vaccines. Orthopaedic surgeon and MP representing the Slovak National Party (SNS), Dr Peter Kotlár, was appointed plenipotentiary commissioner.

On 10 May 2024 a public announcement was made after Dr Kotlár met with WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus, reiterating that Slovakia did not support the pandemic treaty or the amendments to the International Health Regulations. Five days later, on 15 May 2024, Robert Fico was shot multiple times, sustaining life threatening injuries requiring emergency surgery. The shooter claimed political motivation.

At the time of this assassination attempt the World Council for Health published a statement in which they noted:

The event also brings to mind the untimely deaths since 2020 of at least six other serving or former national leaders, which many suspect were linked to their resistance to the Covid measures and the ‘vaccine’ rollout. They include President Jovenel Moïse of Haiti (assassinated); President John Magufuli of Tanzania; Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko of Ivory Coast; Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini of eSwatini; President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi; and former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe (assassinated) who had made Ivermectin available, and not mandated vaccines, but returned 1.6 million unused doses.

It seems clear that these are dangerous times for those with some level of influence who dare to speak against emerging global authoritarian rule. Political imprisonment is also a very real threat, with cardiologist Dr Thomas Binder in Switzerland and lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich in Germany as two obvious examples.

Destroying lives does not have to involve physical violence or confinement; reputational attacks are much more common. Obviously a left-leaning politician, Fico is labeled “far right”, whilst as a medical doctor investigating medical fraud, Kotlár is smeared as an “anti vaxxer”, in legacy media’s swift dismantling of their credibility.

In his excellent recent article Desinformatsya: a Soviet hangover, Jonathan Ayling writes about the closure of the Disinformation Project, one of New Zealand’s own propaganda agencies. He provides history to the word “disinformation”, coined by Stalin to control public opinion.

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

~ George Orwell

Regardless of the personal dangers involved, politicians, doctors, scientists, lawyers, and everyday citizens across the world are rising to speak truth to power, recognising this as our only option if we are to protect future generations. Sadly, most New Zealand politicians have shown no backbone and citizens groups such as the alliances at NZ Rising have had to fill the gaps by building alternatives to planned tyranny. Local councils seem oblivious as they sign up to implement a global agenda of impoverishment and control.

Dr Kotlar’s investigative report was presented to the Slovakian government on
2 October 2024. The plenipotentiary calls the pandemic “an act of bioterrorism”. International patents expert Dr David Martin provided clear evidence consistent with this claim, to the Covid Response Study held on Thursday 17 October at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

The Plenipotentiary calls for the mRNA products to be stopped, as is also happening in Australia, due to lack of safety and efficacy data. Shortly after the report was presented, the Slovakian Health Minister resigned and PM Fico wrote on FacebookYou all know that I personally have always been against experimental vaccines against COVID.

Whilst speaking out against powerful criminals comes with a level of risk, the risk associated with staying quiet, allowing their power to cement itself, is far worse. We align with Dr Michael Yeadon, that:

If you think it’s courageous, me speaking out, think how horrible it will be if you don’t speak out. You must speak out!

Learn More About Slovakia’s Investigation

Learn more about the story at the following links:

Children’s Health Defense article Slovak Government Report Calls for Ban of ‘Dangerous’ mRNA Vaccines

Slovakia-born Dr William Makis’ Substack NEWS: Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’

Investigative journalist Amy Mek’s article Slovakia’s Covid Investigation Commissioner Report Seeks To Ban mRNA Vaccines – Says World Population Is “Naive & Subconsciously Obedient

Slay News Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’. This article includes video footage of Dr Peter Kotlár’s press conference announcing completion of the plenipotentiary report, in which he introduces Dr Richard Fleming whose evidence was used in the investigation. Below is Dr Fleming’s short address to the people of Slovakia.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.


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