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Government Rejects Greater Transparency for ACC

Labour is putting politics ahead of transparency in voting down a law change last night to increase transparency in ACC decision-making for those dealing with re-injury claims, National’s ACC spokesperson Simon Watts says.

“The Accident Compensation (Notice of Decisions) Amendment Bill broadens employers’ rights to apply for a review of ACC’s decisions related to a re-injury claim, providing a fairer approach.

“Currently, an employer can only review the initial decision to provide cover as a work-related personal injury. My Member’s Bill would have enabled employers to challenge ACC decisions on re-injury and entitlement decisions, ensuring that liability for those injuries falls on the correct employer.

“This simple change would not compromise the injured person’s right to get treatment, compensation and rehabilitation, but would have made sure the approach in dealing with re-injury claims in line with other claims

“I’m disappointed to see Labour ignore good ideas, simply because they come from the Opposition, and reject more transparency and equity within ACC.”

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