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Govt Goes Full Throttle on Marxist Agenda

full throttle speed car

It is becoming increasingly obvious that this government has decided it knows best in virtually every area of governance. It doesn’t matter whether it is health, education, transport, housing, foreign affairs, finance, justice, police, welfare, climate change or any other area; where they have had advice given to them, it is rarely taken. This term, without the Winston handbrake, they are taking full advantage of the opportunity the electorate has given them and are going full throttle on their Marxist agenda.

This is a government intent on controlling every aspect of our lives based on their ideology. It is an ideology typical of the left. It is one that increasingly does not allow for choice or free speech. It is one that comes down hard on law-abiding citizens but is soft on those who cause trouble in society. Kelvin Davis recommends a kapa haka competition to help put Maori offenders on the right path. Pathetic. It despises those who make a success of their lives while it is very happy to have two hundred thousand on either welfare or job seeker support. The two are in fact the same.

It is an ideology where taxpayers’ money is spent on projects that comply with it. On that basis, it appears a business case is not required. This is where you have policies of centralisation where supposedly one size fits all. It doesn’t of course but it makes control that much easier. They will go to extraordinary lengths to implement their ideology even if it means hurting their ability to achieve their goals. Threatening letters are sent to part-owned government businesses that infer that they should comply with government wishes or face greater government interference. In other words control.

The left politically is made up of two types of people with two contrasting types of DNA. There are those who like to control and those who like to be controlled. The controllers, in this case the Government, are hoping that the majority who like to be controlled will give them their vote. They know that the best way to garner votes is to play into voters’ hands. To achieve this they aim to make life as easy as possible and give them handouts rather than hand ups. Staying on the benefit is relatively easy. The job seeker scheme is implemented simply to make the numbers on welfare look better.

Centralisation of the health system is just a means to better control it. There won’t be better outcomes because different areas have different needs. All you will end up with is a million Sir Humphreys sitting at desks in Head Office and no increase in frontline staff. It reminds me of the Yes Minister episode where they opened a hospital with no patients but hundreds of staff employed to run it. Implementation of an apartheid health system with a Maori Health Authority is nothing more than a sop to Maori. Again, there won’t be better outcomes.

Education is going the same way with schools having to teach subjects based on the government’s ideology particularly in areas like NZ history and climate change. The government is quite happy with kids wagging school to protest about something on which they’ve been given only one side of the story. It’s pretty easy for the government in this area because most of the teachers support Marxist principles. All schools are under the government umbrella so no charter schools and no choice regarding the school your child attends.

Transport is a good example of wasting money to suit your ideology. A hundred million dollars into a slowcoach train and god knows how much into a tram up a straight piece of road where buses are already doing the job. Then there is the unlawful land grab at Ihumatao which again was a sop to Maori. According to ‘Dear Leader’, the government has done nothing wrong; presumably because in her view it’s part of their ideology. Housing and the debacle of Kiwibuild. Again, their ideology fails. Crime is on the increase because their ideology tells them it’s wrong to lock people up. Empty out the jails and side with the prisoners and not the prison officers.

On immigration and Covid it is: let in who ‘Dear Leader’ would like (the Wiggles) and penalise those who are desperate to see family. Tourism Minister Stuart Nash would like to determine the type of tourist who comes to our shores. In Foreign Affairs we have the embarrassment of a decorated Maori lady talking about taniwhas and dragons. Now it appears a taniwha controls our foreign and climate change policies. As a result New Zealand is now a global joke. Ardern was correctly described in the British House of Commons by MP Bob Seely “as a Prime Minister who virtue signals while crudely sucking up to China and backing out of the Five Eyes agreement which is appallingly, appallingly shortsighted.” He also described New Zealand as being in a hell of an ethical mess.

Their ideology, along with their incompetence, are the major reasons everything they touch turns to custard. Their problems are mounting and at an ever-increasing speed with the exception of slow train Te Huia. They are so wedded to their Marxist principles they are unable to see that they are the problem and not the solution. So wedded to them are they that they cannot see that elsewhere in the world where they have been tried the end result has been financial ruin. This is exactly the path we are on. More government control is the problem.  It is definitely not the answer.

A change of government is imperative in 2023.

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