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A majority of mayoral candidates are opposed to Three Waters reforms. Photo: RNZ

Simeon Brown
Minister of Local Government

Kiwis rejected Labour’s expensive Three Waters plan loud and clear… and National listened.

Yesterday Christopher Luxon and I announced how the Coalition Government will deliver on the promise we made to New Zealanders by replacing Labour’s bureaucratic power grab with a plan to restore local control and ownership of water assets.

The Government will pass a bill to repeal Three Waters by 23 February 2024 as part of our 100-day plan.

Our own plan, Local Water Done Well, will then be implemented by progressing two further bills through Parliament. All legislation to support our plan’s implementation is expected to be passed by mid-2025.

Local Water Done Well recognises the importance of local decision-making and flexibility for communities and councils to determine how their water services will be delivered in the future. We will do this while ensuring a strong emphasis on meeting rules for water quality and investment in infrastructure.

Despite tens of thousands of New Zealanders speaking out in opposition of Three Waters, Labour forced its costly, divisive and unpopular plan on local communities across the country, establishing huge layers of bureaucracy in the process.

This Government is taking action to deliver for New Zealanders and this is just one part of our plan to get our country back on track.
