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Greens Should Announce Pedobear as New Mascot

Photoshopped Image credit The BFD.

The Green Party appears to be the party for pedos:

Photoshopped Image credit The BFD.
Nearly 600 child sex offenders will be put back on to the national register after MPs rushed through an urgent, retrospective law change at Parliament.

Amendments to the Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Government Agency Registration) Act 2016 were passed through all stages under urgency on Wednesday evening with support from every party except the Greens.

On February 9, the Supreme Court ruled the 2016 Act was not clear when it came to people who committed an offence before it came into force but were convicted and sentenced after that time.

It resulted in hundreds of individuals being removed from the register.

The Act now applies to all individuals who have committed a qualifying child sex offence, regardless of when the offence occurred.


Wait until you hear their reasoning:

The Green Party was the only party to oppose the amendments.

Green MP Golriz Ghahraman questioned the need for a register and what evidence there was that it kept children safe.

“Children and young people are most often abused, in terms of the types of offending that this piece of legislation encompasses, by those who are very well known to them, in their own homes. They are very rarely abused by strangers,” she said.

These registers have existed and been applied in other jurisdictions for many years. It’s a measure that we’ve taken, we’ve decided to take it. It’s neither here nor there, I guess we could say, if there’s no evidence that it works. But to persist with it, to lie to ourselves, to lie to victims and the public and say that we’re doing something that is essential to protecting children and young people whilst we weaken the rule of law as a Parliament is, I would say, unacceptable.


I didn’t think Golriz Ghahraman could stoop any lower than her rank anti-Semitism, but she has managed it. Now she is cuddling up to pedo scumbags.

Her excuse is hilarious. The Greens think there is no need for kiddie fiddlers to be on a register because there is no evidence that it keeps kiddies safer, while at the same time saying that a gun register is absolutely required because it will make people safer.

Riiight. This quote will come back to haunt her.

Meanwhile, victims’-rights spokesman Darroch Ball has lashed the Greens:

[Darroch] Ball, who co-leads the Sensible Sentencing Trust which advocates on behalf of victims of serious violent and sexual crime and homicide, said the Greens are out of touch.

“Ms Ghahraman’s comments are alarming but not surprising. The register is about the protection of children, not the protection of the offender, which seems to have been lost on Ms Ghahraman,” he told Newshub.

“It is clear that the Greens are more worried about not ‘punishing’ convicted child sex offenders than they are about wanting to protect and prevent more victims.

Ball said any step taken to protect children from becoming future victims of a convicted child sex offender is one that should be taken.  

“To say there is ‘very little evidence’ that registers work is disingenuous. The fact is there is no evidence that these registers don’t work. We need every step and protection we can have to put between these offenders and our children,” he said.

“Her comments simply show how out of touch the Greens are with the rest of the country and shows how they clearly have no understanding of the effects these crimes have on the victims and the community.”


The Green Party, advocating for kiddy fiddlers. Lovely.

I bet this will be their new merch:

Photoshopped Image credit The BFD.
