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Greens – To Eat or Expunge

shallow depth of fields photography of green vegetable on brown wooden panel
Photo by Keenan Loo. The BFD

There are two common types of greens. We have the ones that are found in the garden or at the supermarket and then there are the ones in Parliament. The former we are told are healthy, contain lots of goodness and we are encouraged to eat them. The ones to be found in Parliament are the exact opposite. Their politics are unpalatable. They are basically a bunch of Brussels sprouts. I give them that label for two reasons. I’m sure they support the EU type of ‘democratic’ politics found in Brussels and I’m reliably informed that Brussels sprouts are bad for you as they contain high amounts of compounds called glucosinolates which give them their sharp or bitter taste.

New Picture. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

Their actions in removing Winston Churchill’s portrait from where it had hung in Parliament for many years certainly left a bitter taste in many mouths. The lengths to which these far-left Marxists will go knows no bounds. As National MP Simon O’Connor pointed out, none of us are perfect. Churchill had his faults but his leadership in saving Western civilisation from Nazi Germany meant that what faults he did have, paled into insignificance. What is it with the far-left that they have to indulge in this sort of objectionable behaviour? All they are proving is what a despicable lot they are.

They are in fact no more the Green Party than I’m Robinson Crusoe. They are rabid supporters of anything that most Kiwis find abhorrent. They support terrorist groups around the world and lie to justify their doing so. Their raison d’être has gone from being a true Green Party to a motley rabble of half-baked activists.

Genocide Inciting Tea Towel Wearer of the Day

The couple in their ranks who might be sympathetic to the environment should go and initiate a true Green Party. Marama, Golriz and friends could then go to Cuba and assist those in power to keep the country a communist state or perhaps to Afghanistan to help the Taliban in the overthrow of that country.

The Greens, as they are, have no place in a democratic parliament in New Zealand. They are an odious collection of weird individuals bordering on aliens from another planet. Their environmental policies are ideologically and politically based rather than scientifically based.

They subscribe to the claptrap that emanates from the UN where scientists are paid handsomely for peddling that organisation’s agenda. Most of their ideas have consequences which they don’t talk about as they prove the ideas to be impractical. They would like to put the farmers out of business while at the same time wanting everything provided for nothing. They are, in a word, fruit loops.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

They should rename themselves the Socialist Activist Party. Again, their policies in this area are out of touch with reality. The lights went out last Monday due in part to the types of policies the Greens would have us follow. They are in denial that fossil fuels will be needed for at least the next decade. They never mention the fact we are importing record amounts of low grade dirty Indonesian coal.

Towing. Cartoon credit BoomSlang The BFD

They prefer to have us believe, as do Labour, that we have plenty of capacity in the system and blame Monday’s crisis on market forces. Typical. Here comes the Government takeover of the electricity sector. Fingers crossed that never happens.

On transport, if their policies were implemented, we’d be anything but trucking on. No more roads for all the extra expensive electric vehicles we are supposed to be driving. A clapped out semi-detached train with bits flying off it costing taxpayers $24,000 a day is, you have to admit, novel.

The great de-coupling. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

A tram up Dominion Road crucifying hundreds of businesses is not novel because business closures have already happened in the CBD with the CRL construction. Slow learners this lot. They don’t care because they haven’t the faintest idea how business works. They must have been disheartened by the Newshub poll showing only eleven per cent supported their crazy bike bridge idea.

It’s no wonder they wanted Churchill removed. The man epitomises everything they abhor. Freedom, democracy, capitalism, the right to control our own lives, to engender a sense of responsibility and to have pride in having a job.

I’m surprised they’re not replacing him with Kim Jong Un. None of this matters to the Greens whose priority is all about funding people on welfare and providing breakfast and lunches at school, to control as much of our everyday lives as they can. Their optimum is probably to have everyone living in a state house living off food from state-owned farms, children attending only state schools and everyone working for the Government.

Anyone who votes Green based on their environmental credentials should think again. Green they most certainly are not. Red they most certainly are. They adhere to a dangerous political philosophy and need to be expunged.

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