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Greta Thunburg reading her speech at the UN

Poor young St Greta, she has ended up on the wrong side of the Atlantic after those inconsiderate Chileans cancelled the climate talkfest and Spain agreed to host the next taxpayer-funded junket trip for the faithful on the wrong side of the Atlantic.

At least she is, sort of, being true to her creed, but in so doing shows what a stupid idea this ‘no-fly’ mantra really is.  Any normal person would quickly make an online booking change and get on with life.  But not St Greta; she tweeted,

As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I’ll need some help.

It turns out I’ve travelled half around the world, the wrong way.

Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November … If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful.

So how to return?  As always, The BFD is here to help:

Take a balloon.  Obviously not heated with evil natural gas, but there should be plenty of bio-fuel woodchips she can use, after all, they send shiploads of them to the UK to burn in a carbon-friendly way.

Find some carbon-neutral propellant for a long-range version of this?

Buy a second-hand one of these?

Golly gosh, it is even solar-powered. What more could a girl want?

This set should be cheap enough …

Maybe a bit too much dependence on petroleum-based products, though.

C’mon team,  add your suggestions in the comments, we need to save St Greta.

Oh, silly me, never mind – she can walk back …
