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The face you make when you accidentally own yourself. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Self-owns can be pretty spectacular, in a car-crash sort of way.

Take, for instance, Melbourne suspending its Sister-City relationship with St Petersburg because, “there is no room for city diplomacy with the brutal authoritarian”. Yes, that was from the home of Dictator Dan, who unleashed the world’s longest lockdowns complete with rubber bullets, tear-gas and police smashing old ladies into the road and pepper-spraying them for good measure.

But that self-own isn’t a patch on this hilarious effort, purporting to tell us “15 facts you should know about intersex”. Claiming to talk “facts” and kicking off with egregious lies is just the start.

Just like colour, biological sex exists on a spectrum.

Here is a spectrum.

Here is the distribution of biological sex.

This is not a “spectrum”. The BFD.

Can you spot the difference?

Then there’s this:

Today, we know that biological variation is, in fact, perfectly natural and normal.

It may be natural, but then, so is Down Syndrome, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and haemophilia. And they’re called abnormalities for a reason: they’re very much not normal. Conforming with, adhering to or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level or type; typical. The usual or expected state. Sure, they may not be shameful, no more than sickle-cell anaemia, but they’re very much not normal.

Being intersex is not a medical problem.

Try telling that to a child with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a condition which can lead to infertility, even death. Or a boy with a micropenis. Or a girl with persistent labial fusion.

But right there is about where the self-own really kicks in hard.

To this day, many babies born intersex undergo “irreversible, risky and medically unnecessary” surgeries to “normalize” their gender appearance and fit them into a male or female category. These children are too young to consent to the intervention, and their parents are often ill-informed and pressured by healthcare providers to act. According to Amnesty International, such non-emergency procedures can constitute gross violations of the child’s human rights.

In recent years, testimonies from intersex people have revealed the long-term consequences of surgical interventions during infancy and childhood. Many have reported that the operation(s) had lasting impacts on their physical and mental health, sex life, and gender identity. Examples include scarring, chronic pain, incontinence, loss of sexual sensation, sterilization, inaccurate gender assignment and trauma.

Ooh! Ooh! Now do puberty blockers and sex change surgery on minors!

And then we get right back to the whoppers.

Amnesty International reports that 1.7 per cent of children around the world are born with variations of sex characteristics every year. That’s about as common as being a redhead!

This is a common claim by the groomer lobby, but it’s an outright lie. The only way they can reach the “1.7 per cent” claim is by including relatively common genetic disorders like Kleinfelter’s Syndrome – which is absolutely not an intersex condition.

Even then, the idea that “intersex” is the same as “sexually ambiguous” is another lie. Most intersex conditions are extremely subtle genetic abnormalities with no visible or easily noticeable phenotypic expression. Were they not screened for such abnormalities, most intersex people might go their whole lives completely unaware.

The self-owns continue, though, with the inadvertent admission that “LGBTQI” is a fabrication.

Intersex people can have any sexual orientation […]

People sometimes mistake being intersex with being transgender.


Homosexuals and bisexuals (LGB) are belatedly realising the grave error they made in allowing the tranny groomers to slither under the rainbow. Gay and lesbian activists are increasingly pointing out that sexual orientation has nothing to do with spurious claims of so-called “gender identity”. Lesbians, especially, are waking up to the peril of allowing predatory autogynephilic men to impose their warped fetishes on women and girls.

And genuinely intersex people ought to be very, very angry that the same creepy groomers are using their very real medical conditions to leverage their creepy ideology and abuse a generation of kids.
