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Guess I’m a Prepper Now

It only takes a ‘severe weather event’ to remind us how unprepared we are.

Welcome to Tasmania. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In a recent post I wrote that I’m not as fanatical as the prepper types…I get the method to their apparent madness, though. After events of this week in Tasmania, I not only get their method, I’m pretty much a signed-on prepper. A little bit.

For background, Tasmania was hit – smashed – with massive wind storms earlier this week (with maybe more on the way after a few days of calm). This is an annual event, of sorts: the first weeks of September in southern Australia are notorious for high winds. Sitting smack on the Roaring Forties, the strong westerly winds that rip around the south of the planet between the 40th and 50th latitudes, Tasmania really cops it.

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