So, cross-dressing dominatrixes are just fine and dandy with the Girl Guides, but women — actual women — who stand up for actual girls’ rights are summarily sacked.
As the BFD reported recently, “Guiding UK” (they’ve stopped even pretending to be a girls’ organisation) appointed as lead commissioner a man who claims to be a woman, and has a penchant for posting photos of itself in bondage gear on social media. The same organisation also decided that it was ok for biological boys with fully male genitalia, to share tents and showers with girls. It’s all very “inclusive”, you see.
But there’s no sign of “inclusion” for women concerned about women’s rights.
Karyn Lisignoli was terminated as CEO of Girl Guides Western Australia in December, just over a week in the role, after she publicly criticised a recent change to the group’s constitution to define a girl as “any person under the age of 18 years who lives their life as female”, and a woman as “any person aged 18 years or older who lives their life as female”.
As is usual with the creepy gender-whisperers, the changes were slithered under the rocks so as to draw as little attention as possible. Lisignoli had the temerity to actually notice.
Ms Lisignoli had reached out via Twitter to women’s rights lawyer Katherine Deves, the head of Save Women’s Sport Australia, responding to a tweet about the UK Supreme Court ruling against gender-neutral passports.
“I’ve noticed our constitution panders to this ideology,” she wrote. “Can I DM (direct message) you to find the legal standing on this? If we change it back to biological female are we breaking the law?”
Naturally, the sinister child grooming activists swung into action.
The exchange was picked up by LGBTI website OUTinPerth, which sought comment from Ms Lisignoli and Girl Guides and published an article. The next day she was sacked.
“I literally had my cardboard box ready,” the 55-year-old told on Monday. “This is how cancel culture works – a CEO gets terminated on the basis of a tiny group.”
If she was expecting management to show some backbone against the sleazy ideologues, she was very much mistaken.
Girl Guides WA chairwoman Yvonne Power told Ms Lisignoli her tweet had “exposed the organisation to serious reputational risk”.
In other words, they’re terrified of Twitter activists and willing to expose (real) girls to any amount of harm to avoid getting targeted.
Ms Lisignoli added she had safety concerns about biological boys sharing tents with girls and noted the inclusion of transgender members had already caused problems for Girl Guides UK, where an investigation was launched in November after social media posts showed a leader dressed as a dominatrix.
“It’s a safety issue,” she said.
“It’s absolutely true that not all men are predators, but some men are predators and what they do is go to spaces where they can access vulnerable people. If Girl Guides allow anyone to self-identify as female, that means male predators have the opportunity either to come in as unit leaders, or even young teenage boys who say, ‘hey this is cool, I’m identifying as a girl and get exposure to girls’.”
She added, “Violence against women is underpinned by our biology, that’s what makes us weaker. Women have been fighting for hundreds of years to get these rights under the law, and now we’ve got this radical agenda that’s throwing these rights out the window. It’s a very aggressive ideology – it’s not a science and it’s certainly not based in biology.”
Lisignoli also pointed out how the changes were being stealthily imposed — their “little secret”, you might say — without the knowledge of parents.
This is all an entirely foreseeable consequence of same-sex marriage. When the rocks of marriage and “anti-discrimination” laws were lifted to accommodate gay marriage, all manner of nasty spiders scurried under its shadow.
Girl Guides Australia chief commissioner Rosemary Derwin told The Australian last week the guidelines had been drawn up to comply with state and territory anti-discrimination laws in 2018.
Remember when they solemnly swore there was no slippery slope?
They lied.