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Hackers Claim New Trove of Biden Material

How much longer can the media-political establishment continue to ignore the river of slime oozing from the basement of the Biden family?

This is not just about sleaze in the President’s family circle: although, let’s be honest, if there was a hundredth of the material that is now publicly available on Hunter Biden on, say, Eric Trump or Don Jr, they’d be running saturation coverage on it for months on end.

Instead, the legacy media are almost totally silent. The few outlets that tried to break the Hunter Biden laptop story during the election campaign were summarily silenced by Big Tech. The rest just lied through their teeth, claiming — completely falsely, as we now know — that it was “Russian disinformation”.

Even if, improbably, we pretended that the sleaze was nothing, even if we ignore the rampant drug use (which, frankly, is the least concern: let’s face it, any family can be cursed with an addict), there’s still the alleged criminality and corruption.

Which, though you’ll barely hear it from the legacy media, is serious enough to merit investigation. These include alleged tax fraud, reportedly illegally obtained and disposed of firearms and, now, allegations of sex trafficking.

Prosecutors may have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter Biden, according to documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period.

The president’s son wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman whose transactions were red-flagged by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal […]

Some of Hunter’s hooker payments came just hours after he received thousands of dollars from his father.

Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport those prostitutes over state lines for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense.

Remember, it was Joe and Hunter Biden’s business and political dealings in Ukraine that first caught attention — and which are all the more significant now that the President is pouring tens of billions of US money into the country. Other prostitution transactions are billed as “art consultations”: also possibly significant in light of Hunter’s supposed art career.

But potentially trafficking legal adults is allegedly just the tip of the iceberg.

A senior special agent assigned to the federal agency’s sex trafficking and child exploitation group in New Jersey contacted Delaware State Police in October 2020, asking about ‘Hunter Biden allegations that may have a nexus to New Jersey.’

Daily Mail

Child exploitation?

The latest explosive — and sickening — allegations stem from an alleged hack of his iCloud account by 4Chan hackers. If verified, the material is horrifying.

Breitbart News reporter Wendell Husebo shared a screenshot of what he claimed was a contact in Hunter Biden’s phone, listed as “Pedo Peter.” Another user alleged that the contact card belonged to President Joe Biden due to his previous use of the pseudonym “Peter Henderson.”

The Daily Caller

The hackers also released a trove of photos alleged to be of Hunter Biden with very young girls — very, very young girls.

The photos are frankly not safe to publish because they may well be considered child exploitation material. One photo shows a man dressed only in shorts lying on a couch while five young girls — fully dressed — appear to be massaging him with their hands and feet. Others show a naked man with young girls, including one apparently pole-dancing, and another wearing fetish-style lingerie.

There is no suggestion that the President knew of any such alleged activity.

Hackers have released much, much more, including screenshots of text conversations. It’s hard to read much of it without feeling… tainted. Not least for raking through a drug addict’s and his family’s private dramas.

But at the same time, the legacy media who feverishly obsessed on everything and anything they could find — and a whole lot more that they just plain made up — about the Trump family are now actively covering up some of the most shocking scandals to besmirch the White House in decades.

To repeat, there’s no proof of just who is in the photos, however familiar they look, or that the text and email conversations from the iCloud hack are bona fide. But we already know for certain that the laptop was genuine — and that the media and deep state lied about it.

If even a fraction of the new stuff is genuine, some people unquestionably belong behind bars.
