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Hands-Down Winner of ‘Utterly Spineless Bigot of the Day’

Award the best first place gold win

How disgusting.

Hands-down winner of ‘Utterly Spineless Bigot of the Day (and Tomorrow) (and Into Next Week)’


“It doesn’t say anything about being related to Jews”. Of course not, except: “Vogel is owned by a Jewish immigrant”. Just for Mr Hatred’s information ‘Vogel’s’ is owned by GoodmanFielder, and has been for over thirty years, but when you’re living in the Stone Age what’s three decades?

And, ‘Thought for the Day’: isn’t it interesting to know there are (at least) 5,000 extremist left-wing bigots in our midst who will go to the trouble of downloading an app for the purpose of discriminating against people based purely on those folks’ faith? They walk among us but they are not us and we are not them.
