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Hang On, the Olympics Only Has Two Genders Competing, Doesn’t It?

Radio New Zealand has the following headline


The story goes on to wax lyrical at how Gavin Hubbard, an average male weightlifter who changed his name and grew his hair is now going to compete at the Olympics as a woman…and it will be a world first apparently:

Official selection is the only thing needed for weightlifter Laurel Hubbard to become the first transgender Olympian.

International weightlifting has rejigged its qualifying criteria for Tokyo because of limited competition over the past year due to Covid-19.

That means on current rankings Hubbard will qualify but she still needs to nominated by Weightlifting New Zealand then be officially selected by the New Zealand Olympic committee.

She has been eligible to compete in the Olympics since 2015, when the IOC issued new guidelines allowing any transgender athlete to compete as a woman provided their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before their first competition.

Weightlifting New Zealand’s high performance coach Simon Kent believes that appears a formality.

“The indication as this stage is that she is training well so all things being equal… the hope is that she will be in the right physical and mental state to be put in that position (and be selected),” Kent said.

“There’s no immediate rush to say you have got to have hit certain numbers at certain points but we will look over the next two to three weeks as to where they are tracking and then we will go through that nomination process.”


He’s not brave, he’s a cheat. Even another fake woman, Caityln Jenner, thinks so too:

Caitlyn Jenner thinks transgender athletes who were born male should not be allowed to compete in girls’ sports teams.

The former Olympian – who came out as transgender in 2015 – recently announced she was running to become the next governor of California, and has now revealed her views on transgender athletes.

Jenner, 71, told TMZ: “This is a question of fairness. That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school. It just isn’t fair, and we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools.”

NZ Herald

Jenner will probably be de-platformed and excommunicated for uttering such blasphemy, but s/he has a point.

I think the issue needs to expand beyond schools and include all sports.

The alternative is to make a mockery of women’s sport. Then again maybe this is the patriarchy’s best ever joke, getting women to embrace men competing in women’s sports.

But if the Olympics is intent on becoming a freak show then let’s drop all the drug testing and every other rule and really let the freaks have at it. That way we can see a human sprint 100m in three seconds and sit gaping in awe at it all.

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