Gary Moller
Gary Moller is a Health Practitioner who is focused on addressing the root causes of ill health or poor performance by making use of a key forensic tool – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis – and administering healthy, natural and sustainable therapies.
A Message of Hope
As we enter a new year, I want to share a message that I hope will inspire you to take action for the betterment of everyone. 2024 presented significant challenges – from economic strain to societal divisions and rising global tensions – I will not bother you with the details. You could say that 2024 confirmed the end of diplomacy. You could say that confrontation and war rule! Disheartening things may be – rest assured that I will end on a positive note. However, we must first face reality by briefly reflecting on the challenges we have faced. Then, we can shift our focus to the future.
Victimhood: The New Age Religion
In contrast to the spirit of independence and resilience that Kiwis once celebrated, it seems we have raised entire generations who believe that being a victim of numerous forms of abuse – more being better – earns one admiration, worthiness, entitlement, and inclusion – affirmation – in the so-called church of victimhood – welfarism and reward for no effort – that kind of thing.
Certainly, there are people who, through no fault of their own, deserve compassion and support from the collective. That was the grand intention of the Welfare State, including the ACC. What intrigues me, however, is how some people can take adversity and failure, even the most shocking and disturbing events, and injuries, and transform them into strengths rather than relying on them as crutches. As a nation, we seem to have lost the resilient mindset that was once proudly upheld in this beautiful country we call New Zealand.
Nonetheless, I remain hopeful because adversity can also lead to growth, resilience, and meaningful change. Such qualities are learned, if only we were to teach these, instead of fearing them, and doing all we can to keep our children wrapped comfortably in the proverbial cotton wool. I will write more about this topic later. [...]
The Absence of a National Vision
New Zealand has always been a country of determined and resourceful people, prepared to take risks. We must make a future that is the child of our shared vision of how we want this great country to be.
Achieving anything like this requires more than mere hope and kind platitudes. We need a clear vision that brings our people together as a team and motivates positive action for a better future for everyone. However, I see no grand vision being expressed by our leaders.
Instead, I see narrow-minded and self-serving leaders who prioritise their own interests, and those of their mates over the greater good. Our leadership is best described as being so focused on crisis management, and lacking intellect, that there is neither the time nor the mental capacity to develop and communicate a vision for New Zealand that unites and inspires its citizens to create a better world. This has to change because what we have right now is leading New Zealand down a one-way path to societal division, moral decay, poor health, and financial ruin. Our brightest young people – our country’s future – are leaving in droves for greener pastures.

While we can wring our hands, moan, and shed tears, this must only be for a short while, because the best response to bad times is positive action!
Freerangers to the Rescue!
This idea of resilience, vision, positivity, and action in the face of adversity is embodied in the ethos of the ‘Freerangers’ movement, which I am launching this year. New Zealand’s North Island parrot, the kākā, supported by its close cousin, the South’s hardy and wily kea, is our symbol – our mascot. We need to restore and embrace our hardy pioneering ways, but in ways that fit with modern times. This is the Freerangers movement – an exciting project for the New Year. I will have more to show you about this in a month or two.
Imagine where we would be today if no one had dared to sail over the edge of the world.
The Political Power of Grassroots Engagement
Real political change does not happen at the ballot box, or in parliament, but at the grassroots level –within the political parties, and their regional branches. So, why not join the local branch of a political party you mostly agree with? You will participate in the decision-making processes of the party, and have an impact on what is to be decided. This includes helping to compose a clear and exciting vision that brings people together and motivates the country to do better for everyone. Whether it is helping with candidate selection, organising events, or even just making cups of tea at meetings, your contribution matters. It is these small, ordinary efforts that collectively drive extraordinary outcomes.
An experienced political mentor once told me that it takes as few as 15–20 committed people to steer a political party in New Zealand in a new direction. This is both a startling truth and a profound opportunity. Take the Green Party as an example of how a handful of activists can come to dominate a political party. They shoved out authentic environmentalists and shifted this party from its environmental roots to a focus on social activism. It is now New Zealand’s de facto Communist Party – and with great conviction, if you will excuse the pun.
The future of our political landscape – and by extension, our country – lies in the hands of those willing to get involved. I want you to get involved – your country needs you!
Why New Zealand First?
You may not agree with every policy or decision of New Zealand First, but you must understand that politics is about healthy compromise. This is also called diplomacy, and it is sadly missing these days. I, for one, do not agree with every one of their policies or decisions, but I think they are the best horse to back for now. They are our friends and welcome our participation, so long as we put the interests of New Zealand first.
Compromise is not a weakness but a necessary part of achieving long-term success. It is about playing the long game, keeping your eyes on the bigger goals, and working within the system, no matter your dislike of it, to bring about meaningful change.
If you choose not to be in the game – Don’t complain!
By joining New Zealand First and becoming actively involved, even in small ways, you and your like-minded allies can help shape the party’s direction for the better. This is your chance to influence policies that matter to you, to ensure the voices of everyday New Zealanders are heard, and to contribute to a more balanced and prosperous future. The MPs of New Zealand First are some of the few who have demonstrated a willingness to stand for what is right, but they are far too few to have a real impact. They need more support to amplify their impact, including at least a dozen more MPs. With greater grassroots involvement, we can help secure not just a greater presence, but a stronger and more effective influence in the next government.
You will find links to several of my articles on this topic at the end of this message.
Your Role in 2025
The year ahead is going to be a pivotal one (are not they all?). For starters, we need a national vision before the next election that inspires positive change. Also, we need to ensure we do not allow our government to take us into wars that are not of our own making.
Early 2025 is the time to act – to join, to participate, and to prepare for the next general election. This is not a call for idle observation but a rallying cry for involvement. The true power in politics lies not in who votes, but in who organises, writes the policies, chooses the candidates, and mobilises at the local level. That is where the future is being forged.
Why not think of being more of a Freeranger, than you are already. A Freeranger has a mindset of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. After all, as they say, ‘Shit happens, but it is how you respond to it that matters.’ When you are old and grey many years from now, what kind of role model were you for your children and grandchildren? In the final analysis, what matters is a life lived well, and with dignity and bravery, and to leave the world a better place than when you first found it. Is that not so?
Let us commit to being the catalysts for the positive change New Zealand requires. Starting with our own actions, we can change the direction of this country and create a better, more united, healthy, challenging, exciting, and fulfilling future for everyone. Let’s make 2025 the year we turn intentions into impact.
My partner, Alofa, and I wish you, your family, and your community a happy new year. We hope you will be healthy, prosperous, and successful in the year ahead and in the years that follow.
An Inspiring Kiwi Story
Paul Mulvaney, a veteran New Zealand journalist and historian, shared with me this charmingly delightful story from the past of Kiwi culture:

In 1961, a young woman – Julie Nelson (from Gisborne) sang this song “Sticky Beak the Kiwi’' and took it to Number One throughout New Zealand, and it was especially popular with children.
Julie had the help of some promoters and was still at high school when she sung this song, which was put on a 45-rpm record.
A radio listener phoned in that was at the same Gisborne High School – said that the principal announced one afternoon for all pupils to go to their assembly hall (some thought they were in trouble) – and when everyone was seated, he played “Sticky Beak the Kiwi” to the whole school.
The one record shop in Gisborne selling this record – sold out in the afternoon as the pupils spread the word to parents, grandparents, and friends.
A gripping story of wonderful Kiwi ingenuity to share a young female talent when we were also young.
Right up among Kiwi’s number-eight wire proportions.
And great to see youngster Julie receive such support from her Gisborne ‘family’.
It was played on the radio as a perennial in particular around Christmas time and even since.
Like a couple of nights ago, the national programme featured the song and even interviewed Julie Nelson.
Many have performed different versions, but hers reigns supreme.
Here are some of my earlier articles about how to bring about political change for the better
How to Unite the Freedom Movement behind one Political ... › post › how-to-unite-the-fr...
4 Jul 2023 – As high as 60 per cent of the voting population is dissatisfied with the current crop of MPs and political parties in parliament.
Which Political Party are you going to Vote for? › post › which-political-part...
My original article and video about who to vote for can be found here. ...
If you don’t consolidate your votes, we’re all doomed! › post › message-to-the-free...
5 Apr 2024 – Also, any party that cannot get past five per cent of the Party Vote, or get at least one MP through the Electorate Vote, is a wasted option. In fact, as ...
The Democracy Project: An interview with Gary Moller › post › the-democracy-pro...
19 Aug 2022 – The more recent addition to New Zealand politics is the hidden menu where Hate Speech laws, Three Waters and Co-Governance are rolled out after ...
The Freedom Parties Insurmountable Hurdle and a Solution › post › the-freedom-parties...
Despite the massive public outcry and the pathetic bleating from the opposition parties, the Therapeutic Products Bill has been railroaded through ...
Announcing the Democracy Project! › post › announcing-the-de...
14 Jul 2022 – While casting your vote is central to the democratic process, one further step that most of us neglect is to get involved in the party processes ...
Our Supporters – Better Wellington › bw-supporters
We believe that Wellington City is best served by councillors who are elected independent of any political party.
Gary Moller on the Election, Lost Opportunities, Life and ... › post › gary-moller-on-the...
6 Apr 2024 – Yesterday afternoon, RCR host Cameron Slater interviewed me in what became a wide-ranging discussion. I enjoyed Cameron’s relaxed style ...
Don’t get Sucked In by the Last-Minute Hit Jobs! › post › don-t-get-sucked-i...
A Political Party is a Lot More than just its Leader. It’s crucial to remember that NZ First is more than just Winston, and more so nowadays. Take a closer ...
This article was originally published by