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Has the Sainted Ashley Blundered?

The BFD. Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield

Sir Bob Jones

New Zealand is trailing almost the entire world in Covid vaccinations. The government justifies this on two grounds.

First; unlike most other countries we’re not currently facing an infection crisis, thanks to our geographic isolation and small dispersed population.

Second; we can afford the luxury of waiting to ensure the vaccines work without unpleasant after-effects. On face value that may seem prudent, albeit in the event it appears to have been a misplaced concern.

Now Health Minister Chris Hipkins talks of getting a vaccination programme underway by the end of March, when, and note this, when the vaccinations become available.

Translated, that means the Health Department unlike everywhere else, failed to order them quickly enough. So we’re now in a fingers-crossed situation hoping that the new rapid mutation transmission variety doesn’t hit our shores. That’s not something I’d bet on.

I sense further lockdowns looming in the months ahead as this Health Department massive cockup consequences take effect.

Let’s hope I’m wrong, but there’s no doubt this is a significant government failure. To give a measure on this, Whitehall has announced it expects to have vaccinated all adult Brits by the end of June, about the time we’re (fingers-crossed) getting underway. Britain’s population is 14 times ours which says it all.

It’s time our punchdrunk National Opposition took up this issue, instead of lap-dogging every government virus measure for fear of a besotted public backlash.

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