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Health NZ Preens Its Feathers Despite Deaths

Photo by mohamed_hassan. The BFD.

Dr Guy David Hatchard

Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

Unprecedented elevated excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries around the world, including ours, are continuing, but health authorities are still looking the other way or worse, trying to normalise sudden unexpected death. People of working age are dying suddenly and unexpectedly, but health authorities are very keen that we don’t think it unusual.

Divya Simon, 31, a New Zealand rest home nurse, had her third booster vaccination, next morning she felt unwell. She had chest pains and dizzy spells and was unable to work, classic symptoms of an mRNA vaccine reaction. Two days later, she suffered a massive heart attack, and the following day she died in ICU. Incredibly the coroner has ruled that this was not related to the Covid mRNA booster.

The coroner found that an angiogram had been unable to determine a cause of the cardiac arrest, nor did Simon’s medical records throw any light on the cause, but the coroner discounted any role of the vaccine on the advice of the pathologist who vaguely ascribed a cause of death, saying it was “likely due to an underlying weakness [??] in the coronary arteries”. In other words, no one in authority knows why she died, but they don’t care as long as it is not the vaccine.

The Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) came to the same blame deflecting conclusion. During the two years of Covid vaccines in New Zealand, CARM has only admitted that two deaths are due to vaccine-induced injury. It has continued to stonewall any suggestion of vaccine involvement despite our excess deaths running at unprecedented record levels.

A Forensic Files episode reveals just how strange this is. Pre-Covid, a pathologist is depicted struggling to determine the cause of a sudden death of a young person. She says she is determined to get to the bottom of it because sudden death of young working age persons is so unusual – at the time you couldn’t leave it superficially investigated. It is no longer unusual, but the authorities are unconcerned to look deeper.

Edward Dowd, hedge fund manager, and finance data analyst has clearly demonstrated in his book The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 and 2022 that the employed population of the US has had worse health outcomes in disability and excess death since the introduction of Covid vaccines. Normally the employed have the best health outcomes. If it’s not vaccine related what is it? Why are the authorities not asking why? Dowd’s answer:

“They know why and they are in cover up mode for the greatest biomedical health catastrophe ever implemented in the history of humanity.”

New studies are being published every week which point to the causal involvement of mRNA vaccines in record hospitalisations and death rates from a range causes, but they are being ignored. Alarmingly, scientists are realising that some adverse effects are very common indeed. We know about myocarditis and acute kidney injury following Covid vaccination, here are some hints about what else is happening:

Brain Injury

An article in BBC news today recounts the harrowing experience of a British Olympian women’s rugby sevens player Abi Burton who experienced persistent mental health episodes following her return from the July 2021 Olympics including depression, seizures and manic aggression. Eventually, she was diagnosed as psychotic and sectioned to a psychiatric hospital.

Fortunately, a member of the staff was a specialist in autoimmune diseases. After tests, Burton was diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis, which occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the brain. According to a clinician, this is a very rare neurological disease that presents major challenges for clinicians worldwide to diagnose and investigate. A glance through current references shows it is suddenly becoming a more common topic. Why?

Multiple investigators are reporting an association between autoimmune encephalitis and mRNA vaccination, including the following:

Acute encephalitis after Covid-19 vaccination: A case report and literature review

A case of encephalitis following Covid-19 vaccine

Case Report: Anti-LGI1 Encephalitis Following Covid-19 Vaccination

A Possible Case of Autoimmune Encephalitis After mRNA Covid-19 Booster Vaccine: A Case Report

A study just published 6th March 2023 entitled “Safety of Covid-19 Vaccines among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Real-World Data Analysis” identified over 6,000 patients with diabetes who received a Covid-19 vaccination and compared them to 20,000 diabetes-free controls who were vaccinated. Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) were more likely to experience eight severe adverse events than controls including: cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, encephalitis myelitis encephalomyelitis, Bell’s palsy, lymphadenopathy, ischemic stroke, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenia and pulmonary embolism. The authors recommend careful monitoring of severe adverse events in patients with T2DM may be necessary, especially for those related to thrombotic events and neurological dysfunctions after Covid-19 vaccination.

Rugby player Burton was almost certainly required to be vaccinated to attend the Olympics in Japan, but the BBC article makes no mention of this. Consequently, we have no idea whether her health difficulties with this formerly very ‘rare’ illness were in any way related to Covid vaccination. We do, however, know that patients with diabetes are being prioritised to receive Covid vaccination because they are considered to be at risk from Covid. It now appears that Covid vaccination is exposing them to a range of severe risks. The authors of the T2DM study point out the risk is highest for those receiving the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Why on earth are we continuing to offer it?

Covid Vaccines Affect Women of Child-bearing Age

We have reached the point now where the hugely powerful technique of meta-analysis can be applied to multiple studies of single disease categories. A meta-analysis of 16 previously completed studies published 2nd March 2023 entitled “Covid-19 Vaccination and Menstrual Disorders Among Women: Findings from a meta-Analysis Study” has found that following Covid vaccination:

24 per cent suffer menorrhagia – (heavy bleeding lasting more than seven days).

23 per cent suffer oligomenorrhea – (infrequent periods, fewer than six per year)

16 per cent suffer polymenorrhea – (period intervals less than 21 days).

Combine this with the reports of mathematician Igor Chudov and others who have posted multiple reports of reduced birth rates in the EU and highly vaccinated countries around the world in the year following Covid vaccination and you know a problem is being swept under the carpet. It needs to be acknowledged and investigated.

An article in the NZ Herald yesterday admits that our department of health is not very good at investigating anything. They seem to specialise in making figures look rosy for themselves, even if it means cutting a few corners and hiding some unfortunate truths. Tell me about it. Covid vaccines are increasing our risk of death, but the government doesn’t want us to know. Against all evidence, they are encouraging everyone over 30 to get another booster. Like a gambling addict, they are rolling the dice again and again on our behalf.
