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Heat or Eat? Aussies Facing Albo’s Choice

There are few issues on which the elites are so monstrously out of touch than “climate action” and energy policy. As repeated surveys show, people around the world regularly rank climate change the last out of a list of concerns. Most only even pay lip-service because they’re constantly brow-beaten by a media-political elite who are utterly obsessed with it, to the exclusion of almost anything else.

The only problem with all this, is that the deranged obsessives are the ones with their hands on the wheels of policy and power — and with lots of money. So they can easily afford to indulge their idiotic fantasies, because the skyrocketing price of energy is no more going to affect them than one of their feted asylum seekers is going to move into their gated communities.

The elite couldn’t be more disconnected from the consequences of their own delusions than if Greta Thunberg was waving airily from a gilded coach, wittering, “Let them eat solar power”.

Whether to eat or heat is going to be a choice weighing down a great many Australians soon, as it has for tens of thousands of Brits over the last few winters.

Power bills for households are set to jump by up to 24 per cent from July 1, adding to soaring cost of living pressures as the national regulator blamed supply challenges and volatility and the government pointed to energy bill relief in the May budget.

“Supply challenges” and “volatility” being a polite way of saying, “renewables”. The soaring cost of electricity is directly caused by the elites’ obsession with “renewables” and “Net Zero”. The evidence is clear: the link between renewables penetration and power prices is direct and causal.

Yet, not only do the elite deny that power prices are an existential issue for ordinary working families, but that renewables are at fault at all. In defiance of all evidence, they witter that renewables are the cheapest source of energy.

These people live on another, fact-free, planet.

Opposition finance spokesperson Jane Hume says older Australians and those on low incomes forced to make the choice between heating and rising energy prices will represent the “human cost of Labor’s failure to manage the energy market”.

The Australian Energy Regulator revealed on Wednesday that electricity bills for households were set to jump by 24 per cent from July 1.

In senator Hume’s home state, Victoria, the AER warned energy prices could rise by 30 per cent.

“This is affecting the entire east coast,” senator Hume told Sky News. “This is unacceptable from a government that promised a reduction in power prices of $275. Now Australians are going to pay for this this winter.”

“I fear for those older Australians or those on low incomes who will simply have to turn off the heater during winter because they can’t afford the energy bills.

The Australian

Labor promise all kinds of miracles, in opposition. The scary part is that apparently 32% of Australians were gullible enough to believe them.

The proof will be in their power bills.

The industry including Origin Energy had predicted an increase of at least 20 per cent with the price hit signalling a volatile winter ahead for Australia’s under-pressure electricity market […]

Mr Bowen said the DMO showed that urgent Government action has helped to shield Australians from the worst energy price rises, but that further action will be critical to help households and businesses – including energy bill rebates.

The Australian

Meaning that, in classic socialist, planned-economy fashion, Labor will try and fix the market price, while at the same time, throwing a handful of taxpayers’ money back at them and calling it a “rebate”.

And in classic socialist fashion, they’ll run out of other peoples’ money, get run out of government, and someone else will be left to try and fix it all. Again.

You’d think Australians would have learned, by now.
