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Hero number 2 shows the effect of rubber bullets. The BFD

1st March 2021

The nation-wide shootings of yesterday seem to have calmed down a little as both sides appear to be taking a breather. I thought it would be appropriate to take a look at some of the cowards (villains) and some of the heroes involved.

Below is a protestor returning a tear gas projectile. With action like that, we should recruit him as a future prospect for the NZ cricket team.

Hero number one returning tear gas canister. The BFD

Below is the effect of rubber bullets. I have a picture of a fatality from rubber bullets where the deceased was struck in similar fashion, but higher up the neck and the face. Rubber bullets are meant to be aimed low to secure crowd control.

Hero number 2 shows the effect of rubber bullets. The BFD

The picture below shows the damage done to the windows of a flat after shots or catapults are fired from police in the road. The occupants are frightened but resolute in their opposition. This police tactic is designed to instil terror into the population and deter people from watching from their windows and recording incidents. But still the people do it.

Unknown hero number 3. The BFD

Police Major resigns

Major Tin Min Tun, My hero of the day. The BFD
A police major from the Yangon region police force announced on Sunday that he has resigned his position in a show of solidarity with anti-coup protesters.

Tin Min Tun, an acting major in the force’s Special Branch, revealed the move in a live-stream video on Facebook.

“I don’t want to continue serving under the current military regime. That’s why I have joined the CDM to show that I stand with other government employees,” he said in the video, referring to the civil disobedience movement against the February 1 coup.

In the video, Tin Min Tun addressed the deteriorating image of the police force in the face of its role in helping the junta hold onto power against the will of the people.

Speaking to his fellow officers, he said they should consider how they will face future generations, adding that many members of the force are already experiencing “discrimination” from the public for doing the regime’s bidding.

Regarding his own future, he said he would leave that to fate.

“If they decide to send me to jail, so be it. This is my sacrifice for my family and my country,” he said.

“I also want to tell my children and other family members to stay calm. I didn’t discuss this with them. I did it because I couldn’t control my feelings any longer,” he added.

An official from the Yangon Region Police Department contacted by Myanmar Now has confirmed that a senior Special Branch officer had joined the CDM.

“He is a hero. We have great respect for his decision,” said the officer, who asked to remain anonymous.

He added that he would like to follow suit, but is reluctant to do so because it would not only result in a prison sentence for him, but would also have negative consequences for his immediate family.

Source Myanmar Now 1st March 2021

And now we come on to the cowards/villains.

They are brave on Tik Tok, but what they would be like up the jungle against the EAOs I am not sure.

Villains number 2. The BFD
Close up of villains all set to pick off defenceless civilians. The BFD
Villains in action. Big and brave aren’t they? The BFD

In the latest development, the police have taken to looting. As they chase people through apartment blocks, they have been stealing cash, jewellery and motorbikes. Occasionally after taking the bikes they will release them after payment of a “fine”. They have even ambushed ambulances and ransacked them.

Ambulance after visit from the police. The BFD

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