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Progressive government at work. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

ACT Party

ACT has today released the third in our series of Honest Conversations documents, this one about the economy.

“Kiwis want a fair go. If you work hard, you should be rewarded, but under the Labour Government it feels like people are rewarded for doing nothing while hardworking taxpayers are being punished,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The balance has been tipped in the wrong direction. Our economic policies reward the people who keep the New Zealand economy going.”

Today, we are announcing:

  • Private MIQ: a safer system to bring back the workers we desperately need
  • Dumping Labour’s ‘immigration reset,’ resuming pre-COVID immigration settings and
    unfreezing expressions of interest for residency
  • Tackling the Zero Carbon Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, Resource
    Management Act, and Employment Relations Act.

“We’re also seeking feedback about what we can do to improve burdensome anti-money laundering legislation.

“This is all in addition to our Alternative Budget that would reduce government debt and cut taxes from the 30 per cent marginal tax rate to 17.5 per cent and reverse the 39 per cent tax rate.

Under our plan, the average earner would get between $1286 and $2107 in their pocket a year from tax cuts.

“Middle New Zealand is being squeezed from every direction by this Government.
Progressive government at work. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

“Businesses have battled through COVID lockdowns and restrictions. Both workers and businesses are treated as nothing more than an ATM machine by Grant Robertson.

“It’s time to tip the balance back in favour of businesses and workers. Our economic policies will restore fairness to hardworking New Zealanders.”

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