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Peter Goodfellow National Party President

Matthew Hooton summarises the embarrassment that the presidency of Peter Goodfellow has become, and correctly surmises that he must go:

…the common theme through National’s troubles is poor candidate vetting and selection, and a lack of seriousness when allegations emerge, whether of spying, sexual harassment, bullying, fake CVs, poor business practice or just plain old not being up for the job. That speaks to governance, identified as a serious problem in National’s still secret post-election review.

Goodfellow has been party president since 2009. He has taken a close interest in all key candidate selections and all long-term strategic decisions, and would be responsible for them even had he not. After 12 years, whatever shape the party is in now is his legacy.

In my opinion it is time for him to take responsibility and go, and for the party membership to elect a new board of competent people willing to deal with the current crisis — if they can find any.

National will achieve no long-term operational success until its members demand accountability from those they elect to run the party’s affairs.

NZ Herald

Matthew also rather humbly lays some of the blame of the current situation at his own feet. If only Peter Goodfellow would show the same ownership of the problems caused under his leadership of the party.

He must resign.

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