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How Dare They Work Hard and Succeed?

Racism wears a black face in Peckham. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks …
And everybody hates the Jews.

Tom Lehrer, “National Brotherhood Week”

It’s not remembered much today, but one of Denzel Washington’s fine early films was Mississippi Masala, a variation of the classic trope of star-crossed interracial love. In this case, between an Indian girl and a black man. The b-story of the film is the backstory of the girl’s family: part of the Indian diaspora booted out of Uganda in 1972 by African dictator, Idi Amin. In their turn, somewhat understandably, the Indian girl’s parents who were treated so badly by black men are a little chary of their daughter dating a black man.

Back then, you see, Hollywood actually told something like the truth: that racism isn’t solely the White Man’s Burden. All o’ thy folks are, in fact just as perfectly capable as all of my folks, of hating all of their folks.

Back in the 70s, Idi Amin’s gripe against Indian Ugandans wasn’t because they tasted of curry.

Just like the Jews in Nazi Germany, back in Uganda the Asians’ relative social success made them an easy target for the so-called “Black Hitler,” Idi Amin, who in an infamous telegram to the U.N. openly expressed approval for fascist-era treatment of Israelites (whom he had already expelled from his budding African Reich as practice anyway).

In the 30s, resentful Brownshirts noticed that Jews in Germany tended to work hard and succeed in business, so they smashed their businesses. In the 70s, Black Hitler went all Kristallnacht on similarly hardworking, successful Indian businesses.

Some 90 percent of businesses were Asian-owned, providing 90 percent of the national tax base. Naturally, following their ejection, Uganda’s economy completely collapsed.

When Amin kicked out the Indians, just under 30,000 chose to emigrate to Great Britain, who had imported them into Uganda in the first place — because they were well-educated and industrious.

Once settled over in Blighty, the Asians’ innate work ethic made them just about the most useful and well-integrated bloc of immigrants a nation could ever ask for—almost as good as the Jews, even.

In more recent years, millions of Africans, having mostly “de-colonised” their own nations into rank shitholes, have flooded across the Channel into Britain, too. These far less useful and hard-working immigrants chose not to emulate the Indians’ good example, but to resent it every bit as hard as a thuggish Nazi bootboy.

The problem today is that evil Asians have now supposedly seized control of the hair-care and beauty-product industry and are using it to impoverish innocent black women by selling them cosmetics at inflated rates like the parasitic neo-Jews they so clearly are. In mid-September, an Asian-owned shop in the London suburb of Peckham, “Peckham Hair and Cosmetics,” suddenly became the subject of mass brownshirt-style protest after the Indian-heritage proprietor, Sohail Sindho, allegedly assaulted an unnamed black female customer by placing his hands around her throat.

As Ann Coulter says of such witch-hunts, “Show me the full video”.

Surprise, surprise, the full video shows Sindho trying to restrain a violent black woman who was bashing him about with a shopping basket. Anyway, we all know what happens when blacks get resentful about other blacks getting caught, mid-crime.

Large, predominantly black, crowds descended on Sindho’s store, kicking in the doors and blocking traffic, and demanding, in true brownshirt fashion, a boycott of Indian-owned beauty shops. Like the yellow stars of Kristallnacht, anti-Indian signs were plastered everywhere.

It’s not exactly an isolated incident.

Deadly 2005 race riots in the English city of Birmingham seem to have been sparked after local blacks, jealous of successful Asian businessmen (honest Injuns who in turn were suspicious of their black customers’ constant thieving), spread false rumors of a black girl being gang-raped in a local “Paki Shop,” as they are often known, selling black beauty products. Tensions between nonwhites in Britain are actually much worse than between them and whites, yet the media habitually implies otherwise.

As BFD readers are no doubt well aware, racist violence perpetrated by black or brown folks against Asians, whether of the yellow or brown persuasion, is depressingly common in New Zealand as well. Probably far more common than other racist violence.

So, is the media calling out this racist hate?

British media quickly fell over themselves to lend a platform to the “oppressed”.


Including a black “security guard” named “Raspact”, who is, in fact, more like a black Mosley. Complete with three-letter paramilitary organization, the Forever Family Force, or FFF. Oddly, despite being a highly anti-Semitic paramilitary (“Raspact”, who is a security guard in the same sense Ernst Rohm was, allegedly blames Jews for controlling the world’s banks via “the Rothschild bloodline,” which they had once used to fund “the original Holocaust” of the transatlantic slave trade), police have never thought to step in, under the Public Order Act 1936, introduced specifically to stop the Blackshirts. Nor do Prevent, Britain’s version of the Disinformation Project, seem to have much to say.

But the real puzzler is: if these black supremacists really want to live in all-black places, with all-black businesses, under black laws and black police forces… why don’t they go and live in Africa, where their racist wishes will be granted?
