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How Foreign Students Buy Aus Degrees

An apt metaphor for Australia’s university system. The BFD.

Few issues illustrate the yawning divide in the West between the elite and we common folk than immigration. Specifically, mass immigration and, too often, illegal immigration, from what we used to call the Third World to the West. The elite just love immigration, legal or not. After all, they get all the benefits: cheap workers and chic ethnic cafes.

The common folk are not so keen. This is no surprise, given that they have to live with all the considerable downsides: skyrocketing house prices, choked cities, and competing for jobs at ever-shrinking wages.

Not to mention hospitals that look more and more like downtown Shanghai or Mumbai, by the day. Of course, the mass immigration shills will shriek “racism!”, and whine about a “shortage of skilled workers”.

But there’s considerable reason to question just how “skilled” some of these workers really are.

A ghostwriter who has ­completed thousands of assignments for cashed-up students across Australia’s major univer­sities has blown the whistle on the Chinese company at the ­centre of a vast academic cheating scheme.

The Kenyan, who has asked to remain anonymous out of fear of reprisals, has revealed how he worked as a ghostwriter for Chinese company Assignment Joy, which for as little as $US100 ($149) per 1000 words will ­arrange for struggling international students to have their ­assignments fraudulently written for them.

Like the employers greedy for cheap workers who won’t talk back, Australia’s universities have blatantly turned themselves into diploma mills for cashed-up Chinese and Indian students.

Who cares if they can do the work — let alone read and speak English?

Over more than half a decade, the “academic writer” has penned assignments for bachelor degree and masters students in fields including nursing, health science, education, psychology and business administration for almost every major Australian university.

Dozens of orders and completed university assignments for Australian universities including the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland, the University of South Australia, Macquarie University and Torrens University as well as several TAFEs, have been obtained by The Australian.

The ghostwriter said he knew about 50 other writers in the field personally, including several who he subcontracted to do assignments for him.

The multimillion-dollar shadow industry employs thousands of people across Kenya and South Africa because of their proficiency in English and low labour costs.

“It’s all kinds of students but the major market is Chinese foreign students; they’re 60 per cent of the entire market,” he said.

No doubt there are many good, skilled foreign nurses and teachers working in Australia. But, would you really trust your open-heart surgery to someone who may have gotten their degree by paying someone else to do the work?

Assignment Joy describes itself as an “essay writing service” on its website, which specialises in universities in Britain, Australia, the US, New Zealand and Canada.
The company has listed an ­office address in Jiangsu, north of Shanghai, and claims to have a base in Sydney though there is no evidence to support this.
It also advertises “Australian thesis writing” and lists different prices for the quality of the work, with C grade papers costing just $30 per 250 words, $40 for “B Grade Pro” and $60 for “A Grade PhD”.
“Often a good paper is the key to your success, so choice is more important than hard work,” it says.
“Choice is more important than hard work”
In some cases students opt to hand over their login details to their university portal and allow the ghostwriter to handle the ­demands of their entire course on their behalf.

Universities, of course, blither the right-sounding words about “taking allegations of academic misconduct seriously”, but how willing are they, really, to slaughter the cash cow that’s pumped billions into their coffers for decades?

“I have come to realise that the education system is just a sham”

Even the Kenyan ghostwriter has qualms about the ramifications of how he makes a meagre living.

“If you’ve seen all the things I’ve seen your mind would be blown,” the ghostwriter said.

“You would come to the conclusion that I have come to realise that the education system is just a sham.

“I have some students who I have worked for since their first year and I’ve done all the assignments until they graduate, just pass and get all the grades.

“The thing that makes me worried is the medical students who have never done even one assignment since their first day.”

The Australian

But I’m sure it’s just “racist” to worry that the guy about to do your heart bypass bought his degree online from some bloke in Kenya.
