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How Is This Europe’s Fault?

Leftists blame Europe for Africa’s self-inflicted enormities.

Now look what Italy is making them do. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the biggest lies of modern times is that African slavery was the fault of Europeans.

In fact, Europeans were the last to get in on the African slave traffic and the first to stamp it out. The British Empire went to war to end the African slave trade and only recently finished paying off the enormous debts it incurred to do so.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t entirely. The Muslim slave traders put millions of Africans in chains in the first place and murdered millions more: the old, infirm, or too young. They kept up their vile trade officially until the last decades of the 20th century.

Unofficially, they’re still at it. And, as Muslims are wont to do, they’re blaming everyone else for their crimes.

Migrants in Tunisia are being sold as slaves to Libyan gangs for as little as £10 per person with the complicity of the EU, a damning report claims.

In fact, there’s no ‘EU complicity’ at all. This is entirely the doing of Arab Muslims.

They are rounded up in towns and cities in Tunisia, kept in detention centres and then sold to militia and traffickers on the border with Libya.

Women migrants fetch more – up to £75 each – because they are used as sex slaves, according to the report, which was compiled by a group of humanitarian organisations after months of research carried out in the shanty camps and desert detention centres of North Africa.

Twas ever thus, of course: sex slavery is a long-standing practice of the followers of the religion founded by a slave-trading rapist. When millions of Europeans and Americans were stolen and enslaved, in the 18th and 19th centuries, women were especially prized as sex slaves destined for the harems of the Caliphs and Beys. In recent years, the Islamic State revived the sex slave trade with gusto.

So, what long bow are they drawing to blame it on Europe, this time?

The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) claim that the capture and sale of black sub-Saharan African migrants is being “enabled” by the EU and Italy, which have struck deals with the Tunisian government to crack down on migrants and stop boats from trying to cross the Mediterranean.

So… Africans are paying people smugglers to try and illegally enter Europe, then being sold to Muslim slavers in Africa.

But it’s all Europe’s fault?

“They sold us to the Libyans. I really mean buying and selling, like for objects, they sold us like slaves,” one young migrant told the researchers.

“We didn’t understand, because they spoke Arabic, but there were Sudanese people in the group who translated. They sold the men for 100 Tunisian dinars (£25) and the women for 300 dinars. Men, women, and children [were sold]. One of my brothers was sold before my eyes, he and his family, with his one-year-old son.”

A 25-year-old migrant from Cameroon said: “We saw the money – they count it in front of you. Women cost more because in Libya women are considered sex objects.”

Another Cameroonian, a 26-year-old man, told the researchers: “It’s a business they have with the Libyans. It’s about selling human beings, trafficking n--—s. It’s shameful.”

It sure is – and it’s not in any way, shape or form Europe’s fault.

And stop calling them ‘migrants’. Call them what they are: illegal immigrants.

“On the buses, the Garde Nationale [Tunisian police] touch women. They touch our private parts, they rape women in front of men on the buses,” said one migrant.

Migrants are kept for a few days in detention camps near the border towns of Ras Jedir and Ben Gardane, which are allegedly run by the Tunisian army or the Garde Nationale […]

The migrants are then taken to the border and sold to Libyan military officials or militia members. Payment is made in money, fuel or hashish […]

Many migrants are unable to pay for their release from such prisons and are held for long periods of time, the researchers said, adding: “Like other prisons in Libya, Al Assah also functions as a forced labour market. Prisoners are sold to local people and businesses to do little daytime jobs.”

Others are subjected to savage beatings and torture. Many die and are buried in mass graves, the report said.

The same old story: Arab Muslims enslaving, trading and raping sub-Saharan Africans.

Instead of holding Arab Muslims accountable for their actions, though, the left try and shift blame to European countries who are finally doing what they should have done all along and protecting their borders.

The MEPs said the EU should set up safe and legal routes for refugees and migrants to reach Europe.

How about illegal immigrants and economic chancers try legally migrating for once?

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