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How Long before We See the Creation of ‘Ardern Youth’?

We are starting to see all the hallmarks of a totalitarian government, complete with a Ministry of Propaganda, politicisation of the Police, demonisation of sectors of the community, politicisation of the civil service, turning neighbours against neighbours and the turning of youth into the eyes and ears of the state:

One man’s lax hygiene habits have been exposed to the world after his child wrote to the Prime Minister to tell her he was not “washing his hands properly”.

Jacinda Ardern shared the letter from a young fan, saying she found it when she was going through her correspondence.

“Jacinda,” the note began. “My dad is not washing his hands properly. He is not putting soap on his hands and rubbing for twenty seconds. I will work on this with him.”

Ardern said she ‘loved the offer of support’ and the post quickly attracted comments from around the world.

NZ Herald

Quite apart from using the Facebook post as a weapon of mass distraction from a bad week in politics for ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda, this shows just how callous and dictatorial she has become, encouraging young people to snitch on their parents.

Our son and daughter would never entertain snitching on their parents. If they had an issue with us they would say it to our face, but then our children understand the value of family and loyalty. This kid’s father now knows he has lost his daughter to the Cult of Ardern.

The comments on the post should raise alarm bells too, echoing the attitudes that prevailed in Nazi Germany and then East Germany.

My, how we forget our history.

Adolf Hitler built a cult of personality and used children as tools of the state to inform on their parents, neighbours and friends.

Adolf Hitler with Nazi party Hitler Youth at a 1935 gathering. (Credit: Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images)

It’s a sad day, but it appears we’ve reached Nazi and Stasi-like ratting out by children of their parents.

The arrests will begin shortly; these people need lots of “sustained propaganda” in re-education camps.

The only saving grace is that Kiwirail has a distinct shortage of boxcars.

So we will have ghettos instead, Auckland has had three practice runs.

The next step will be yellow armbands for the unvaccinated.

In the meantime I’m waiting for the creation of ‘Ardern Youth’ or Jacindajugend. The sycophants gushing all over Ardern’s Facebook page will enthusiastically send their kids along, unwittingly eventually contributing towards their own re-education in the camps.

After the war, the Hitler Youth was disbanded. Today, the group is considered one of the most chilling facets of the Nazi regime—proof that a totalitarian state can use children to feed its armies and further its hateful ideologies.

We are yet to have our war, but the signs that we are meekly slipping towards totalitarianism are all there to see, if you have a care to look.

We are already seeing a Kiwi equivalent “Jedem das Seine” meaning “to each what he deserves” in the demonisation of so-called “rule-breakers” like the Tamaki’s and other people who left the ghetto before the last lockdown.

Some, of course, will say this is alarmist nonsense. No doubt they will soon be spouting slogans like “work sets you free.

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