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How Long Has Chippy Got?

The latest Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll spells danger for Chris Hipkins as Labour languishes in the polls.

The latest Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll is out and it shows gains for National, who have widened the gap over Labour. The Greens have dropped again as their continual scandals grind their support down.

The summary of the headline results are:

  • 🏛️ Parliament Seat Projection:
    • National: 48 seats (+1 from July)
    • Labour: 43 seats (unchanged)
    • Greens: 14 seats (-2)
    • ACT: 10 seats (unchanged)
    • New Zealand First: 9 seats (+1)
    • Te Pāti Māori: 6 seats (unchanged)
  • 🤝 Centre-Right Coalition:
    • Seats: 67 (unchanged)
    • National and ACT may need NZ First’s support to form a government.
  • 🌈 Centre-Left Coalition:
    • Seats: 53 (-2 from July)
  • 📊 Preferred Prime Minister Poll:
    • Christopher Luxon: 32.7% (-1.8 points)
    • Chris Hipkins: 12.6% (-6.1 points)
    • Chlöe Swarbrick: 7.2% (-3.7 points)
    • Winston Peters: 6.7% (+1.1 points)
    • Jacinda Ardern: 6.4%
    • David Seymour: 5.2%
    • Rawiri Waititi: 2.5%
    • Debbie Ngarewa-Packer: 1.1%
  • 📉 Net Favourability Changes:
    • Christopher Luxon: 7% (up 1 point)
    • Winston Peters: -9% (up 4 points)
    • Chris Hipkins: -10% (down 16 points)
    • David Seymour: -14% (down 10 points)

If I were advising Winston Peters, I’d be telling him to call up the Taxpayers’ Union and remonstrate with them about the jiggery pokery going on in their Preferred PM chart, listing David Seymour who is lower than Winston Peters and not on the chart at all.

This is an awful poll for Chris Hipkins who isn’t really trying any more and telling anyone who would care to listen that he can’t get a job anywhere, and if he could he’d take it and be gone.

The problem Labour has, however, is that no one wants to step up and, on those poll numbers, there really is no encouragement to do so. So they languish in the polls, hoping someone will give poor, sad, little Chippy a job.

This poll helps build on the slow, very slow, increase of the centre-right against the haters and wreckers of the left.
