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How National Were Trapped into Backing Dodgy ‘Curry Munchers’

You’ve got to hand it to Simon Bridges and Gerry Brownlee, on Wednesday they managed to trap themselves into looking like they back dodgy ‘curry munchers‘ as they pursued Shane Jones for being racist.

Barry Soper writes:

If the man himself is under pressure, and there’s plenty for Peters to feel pressured about, he wasn’t showing it during the cut and thrust of debate over his sidekick Shane Jones’  latest outburst over Indian students ruining our academic institutions.

Peters gave a detailed account of racism to the bombastic Gerry Brownlee, who by taking it to Peters managed to score something of an  own goal.

He was reminded of the time eight years ago when he caused an uproar by having a go at Finnish people, describing them as uneducated, unemployed murderers who don’t respect women.

Brownlee claimed they were comical statements. The Finns didn’t quite see it that way.

And just as Bridges was having a chortle, Peters wiped the smile off  his face by reminding him of the secretly taped conversation he had with Jami-Lee Ross when he appeared to agree that two Chinese MPs were more  valuable than two Indians.


A Newspaper

Ouch indeed, but also unnecessary. Between Bridges howling about racism and Gerry’s attack they managed to paint themselves into a corner backing dodgy ‘curry munchers’. The fact they used their own paint and their own brush is even worse.

Bridges’ constant hogging of question time is grating too. It seems he just exists to ask Jacinda Ardern open questions that make her look good rather than decidedly average.

With own goals like those, it is little wonder that caucus members are now openly talking about insurrection.

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