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How One Virus Brings Out the Worst in People

Mark Longley, digital manager at Newshub, gives a well thought out opinion on the public’s reaction to the coronavirus

OPINION: It doesn’t take much for the thin veneer of decency to slip for many people. Given the whiff of a potential threat to mankind and humanity goes flying out of the window as our dark inner selves emerge.
[…]It turns out flu-like symptoms and self-isolation aren’t the only consequences of the virus. It can also turn you into a racist thug, an online bully or even worse a hoarder of toilet paper.

[…]Who would have thought toilet paper would become such a hot commodity, but fights are breaking out in supermarket aisles as people scramble for the last pack of Kleenex.

[…]Friday nights are usually a good night to go shopping in Auckland. Once the rush to stock up on beer and wine for the weekend is over the aisles are usually clear.

Except on the night of February 28 when it was announced coronavirus had made its way to Auckland.

Shelves were stripped bare as people stocked up for what seemed like an impending armageddon.

I understand if you are going to self-isolate you are going to need loo roll, but I don’t understand why you need to stock up if you aren’t going to leave the house – do none of these people know about online shopping?

To me the people who hoarded toilet paper not only are idiots but are the scum of the earth, or as an Aussie would say, “ratbag tossers”. Not only did they prevent others from buying a necessary commodity, but they also forced others to buy up too before all the toilet paper ran out.

You only have to Google coronavirus and racism or hate crime to see pages of stories from around the world on people being attacked because they look Chinese, or Iranian or wherever the latest outbreak is.

[…]Jonathan Mok, a Singaporean student in London was brutally attacked as he walked down Oxford St last week. He posted pictures of his battered face on Facebook.
I can understand why people would think that someone who looks like he’s from a place where the latest outbreak is will more likely have the virus. But there is no absolutely no excuse for that kind of violence.
[…]The world’s economy is going to take a hit thanks to coronavirus, how big that hit will be is yet to be seen. But already travel firms and airlines are suffering.

Yes, and it’d be interesting to see how the government handles it. Will the government offer tax breaks for example to businesses in the tourism industry?

In an attempt to combat this many firms are offering discount fares and holidays, it is a cheap time to travel if you don’t mind the risk. But is this really a responsible reaction?

One of the reasons experts are so concerned with the COVID-19 is they don’t know much about it, there is no cure at the moment.

Until they know more we should all stay put and try and contain it, not offer up cheap seats on aeroplanes.


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