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How the Biased Media Swung an Election

Media bias tipped the electoral scales against Trump. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the most damaging consequences of the growing alienation of voters of different persuasions is that each increasingly inhabit completely separate cognitive worlds. Much of this is the fault of social media, which explicitly encourages echo-chambers – among journalists perhaps more than anyone else. Journalists rely less and less on traditional story-chasing methods – getting away from the desk and talking to people of all kinds – and instead lazily scroll through their Twitter feed to find “leads”.

As media talk more and more only to each other and their tiny circle of like minds, their bias becomes more and more pronounced. This information bias is so pronounced that there is a website specially dedicated to identifying right and left blind spots on leading stories of the day.

Time and again, I’ve noticed, I might mention some particularly consequential story to someone of a decided political persuasion and they’ll be completely mystified. For instance, mention the well-documented near-constant string of violent attacks on Trump supporters by Antifa and left-minded people invariably think it’s just so much crazy-talk about an organisation which doesn’t even exist.

This echo-chamber thinking has consequences.

Some new surveys have attempted to quantify the effect of media bias on the recent presidential election. Insofar as we can trust polling any more, the results are shocking.

The liberal media’s efforts to hide Joe Biden-related scandals from voters and bury good news about the Trump administration cost the president the election, according to two new voting surveys.

One leftist friend of mine was, as is their habit, ranting about how “awful” Trump is. I responded by saying that, yes, Trump is an awful person, but he’s racked up some impressive achievements as president. When they scoffed, I provided them a list. They had heard of none of it. Not one thing.

On the other hand, they were completely oblivious to the scandals swirling around Joe Biden. They thought I was making it all up. Naomi Wolf typified the leftist blind-spot when she declared that she was shocked – shocked! – to learn that Biden was planning a nation-wide lockdown. If she’d known, she claims, she wouldn’t have voted for him.

There was nothing stopping her knowing it, though, except her own bias. If more Americans had been better informed, their country might not be paralysed by a disputed election.

Had voters known about troubling issues swirling around the Democrats and some of the successes of the Trump White House, including the Middle East peace deals, job growth, and energy independence, enough people would have turned away from Biden to give Trump 311 Electoral Votes, more than enough to win, said the polls shared with Secrets.
Many Biden voters changed their mind when the spell of media bias is broken. The BFD.

It’s not just the media who deliberately manipulated the election outcome, either. Twitter censored Trump and his associates 262 times in the last weeks of the campaign. Not one of Biden’s team was ever censored. Ever.

Bear in mind that this is not just one survey, but multiple surveys, all reaching the same conclusion.

In one survey for MRC by McLaughlin & Associates, enough of Biden’s voters would have switched their selection had they known about his son Hunter’s money scandal to give Trump a victory. In that poll, 4.6% of Biden’s voters said they would not have selected him had they been aware of his son’s China money affair.

In the second, done by the Polling Company for MRC, 17% of voters would have shifted away from Biden had they known about Biden’s scandals and Trump’s achievements.

A survey of voters in the key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, found enough Biden voters switching to give Trump the win in each state. The survey did not assume that those voters leaving Biden would shift to Trump, showing how close those races were[…]

“[Trump] would have won 311 Electoral Votes. To put it another way, and look at the final slide, and this is the number that is stunning — 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for Joe Biden had they been aware of at least one of those eight stories. So just think about that for a second. Donald Trump would have won every single contested race in America. Of the six contested races, he would have won every single one. And you would have had at least 311 electoral votes,” said Bozell.
A resulting shift would have seen Trump win comfortably in every battleground state. The BFD.

When the media shriek and gibber about “fake news” and “misinformation”, they’re nothing more than so many enraged budgies attacking their little mirrors.

Media bias tipped the electoral scales against Trump. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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