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How the Pedos Are Winning Pt 2

If you see nothing off about this image, you might be a groomer. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As we saw in the first part of this report, the Long March of the Kiddy-Fiddlers has been assiduously striving to normalise and legalise paedophilia since at least the late 60s.

What a bunch of sleazy French academics and child rapists started in the 70s, with their organised and media-popular defence of adult men charged with raping children at a naturist camp, North American academics and NGOs pursued with renewed vigour in the 2000s.

The Free Speech Coalition is a porn trade association which successfully lobbied to protect virtual child porn under the First Amendment. The FSC’s Executive Director then founded the Prostasia Foundation, which lobbied against legislation aimed at protecting children from online sex trafficking. Prostasia also advocates teaching children about fetishes and kink — which suddenly puts things like “Drag Queen Story Time” and “Pride for Kids” into perspective.

But that’s just the tip of the paedophilia activism iceberg.

The reach of Prostasia and its pro-pedo activists cannot be overstated. Seto contributes to the SMART program (“Specialised Multi-Agency Response Teams”) a youth justice program in the US Department of Justice. Prostasia founder Jeremy Malcolm used his position as advisor to the United Nations Internet Governance Forum to petition “against U.N. guidelines that would effectively call to criminalize obscene images depicting children”.

But, as always, academia is the font of very creepy ideas. Specifically, Canadian academics who advocate, among other things, legalising virtual child porn as an outlet for so-called “virtuous paedophiles”. They also advocate reframing paedophilia as, not a crime, but a “sexual orientation”.

[James Cantor] advocates that pedophilia is a sexual orientation that belongs within the LGBT movement. An NIH paper written by Cantor and clinical psychologist, Ray Blanchard, alleges that pedophiles are born, not made. Blanchard wrote the criteria for paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and tried to change its classification. The change resulted in this statement by the APA maintaining its position that “pedophilia is a mental disorder; that sex between adults and children is always wrong; and that acting on pedophilic impulses is and should be a criminal act.”

Well, that sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? I mean, surely it’s only a crime if they actually do it? The unspoken argument, though, is that paedophilia is just one of a “rainbow” of “sexual orientations”, just like homosexuality. That’s exactly what one of Cantor’s colleagues, forensic psychologist Michael Seto, argues. Seto claims that it is imperative to “de-stigmatise” paedophilia.

The Journal of Medical Ethics has supported such views, arguing that “the involuntary sexual attraction [paedophilia], so long as it remains disconnected from behaviour, is probably not wrong in and of itself”.

But consider the unavoidable implications of such an idea. Few today argue that homosexual orientation or practice should be a crime. Many argue that homosexuals are “born that way”, so it’s unnatural and cruel to expect them to refrain from putting their proclivities into practice.

If paedophilia is just another sexual orientation, and if paedophiles are (as an NIH paper written by Cantor and Blanchard claims) “born, not made”, then what is the logical conclusion? Punishing paedophiles for molesting children is just as cruel and regressive as punishing homosexuals for “sodomy”.

As law enforcement veteran and VP of the Child Rescue Coalition’s Glen Pounder says, reframing paedophilia as a sexual orientation is:

“Dangerous as it puts an even greater sense of righteousness into the minds of those who already believe sexually abusing (and raping) children is normal. Some offenders even seek to convince themselves that children enjoy the abuse.”

For instance, trans activist Alok Vaid-Mernon claims that “Little girls are trans, queer, kinky…” Vaid-Mernon also implied that he’d had sex with adults as a child (or, as he claims, a “little girl”).

But the soft power war isn’t over, yet. Until they can wear down legislators and NGOs with lawfare and activism, paedophilia enablers will relentlessly hammer us with “attempts to refine obscene practices until they become so mundane that we all just begin to accept them”. Balenciaga, Drag Queen Story Time, Cuties… it’s never going to stop, if we let it.

As journalist Roisin Michaux has written, paedophiles are organised, aggressive — and determined to win.
