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It Is a Religious Backlash?

Trump’s edict must surely herald a rethink all over the world.

Photo by Sandy Millar / Unsplash

Yvonne van Dongen
Veteran NZ journo incredulous gender ideology escaped the lab. Won’t rest until reality makes a comeback.

First the good news: Trump’s first act on becoming president will be to sign an executive order establishing the biological reality of two sexes and clearly defining male and female. The purpose of the act is in the title – “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.”

Pronouns are out, men in women’s prisons are out, taxpayer funded “transition” for male prisoners is finished and woman means “adult human female”.

Not before time. Earlier this month we learned that the American-based atheist foundation, Freedom From Religion (FFR), had buckled to gender ideology. This prompted the departure of the world’s most famous atheist Professor Richard Dawkins who left FFR after they unpublished an article he’d written saying gender is based on biology.

When even a highly respected atheist foundation succumbs to the church of gender, you know how far this ideology has penetrated.

Dawkins’ resignation was followed by both American biologist Prof Emeritus Jerry Coyne and US-Canadian psychologist Prof Steven Pinker. Pinker blasted the group, saying it’s “no longer a defender of freedom from religion but the imposer of a new religion, complete with dogma, blasphemy, and heretics”.

Gender ideology requires belief in what is obviously untrue and therefore unscientific (such as a woman is whoever she says she is, which means a woman can have a penis) and it shuns and/or expels non-believers who effectively become apostates. 

That FFR should embrace this unverifiable belief system following the election of Trump, and seemingly a return to rationality with the immediate repudiation of males in girl’s sports in the United States, is revealing. 

Said the co-president, “We do not feel that support for LGBTQ rights against the religious backlash in the United States is mission creep.”

Framing the return to reality as a “religious backlash” and a threat to LGBTQ rights is disingenuous. The opposite is true. Gender ideology is quasi-religious and these so-called LGBTQ rights are profoundly homophobic. 

But language capture and the twisting of reality are at the heart of this nonsensical ideology. That along with the evocation of suicidal empathy are key weapons in the TRAS ally armoury. If there’s a lesson for New Zealand, it’s that we should not be surprised to see similar tactics being used as the pushback against this gibberish continues.

We have every reason to be wary given the extent to which state-funded groups espousing gender falsehoods were embraced by government departments who consulted these charlatans on everything from self-sex ID to trans inclusion in sport to reviewing statistical standards for sex and gender. All the worst fantasists were there – InsideOUT Kōara, PATHA, Gender Minorities Aotearoa, TransAction NZ, a parent of a trans child and various other gender believers. If there was an individual or group espousing sex reality included, I couldn’t find them.

Trump’s edict must surely herald a rethink all over the world. When New Zealand finally returns to sanity, one of the first things a heroic politician should do is order a review of all decisions made on the basis of unscientific advice given by adherents to the church of gender. 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack.
