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How They’re Coming for Your Kids Pt 1

This is not normal. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you’re wondering how we got from “what two adults do in the privacy of their own home is their own business” to Drag Queen Story Hour and “Kink for Kids at Pride”, you need to understand two things.

Firstly, the left have opened their minds so wide that their brains have fallen out. Feminist Anita Sarkeesian will literally defend a grown man masturbating in front of little girls because doing otherwise is “transphobic”. Every good “progressive” lives in mortal fear of being accused of a “phobia” or “ism”. Far better to vehemently defend the indefensible.

The second, more insidious reason, is Queer Theory. As I’ve explained elsewhere, Queer Theory is a bizarre take on Marxism which argues, essentially, that the key to bringing down Capitalism is unbridled depravity. The more it outrages “bourgeois norms”, the better.

And the earlier you can brainwash an army of useful idiots, the better.

What we’re seeing in schools, then, is not so much a mere epidemic of paedophilia, as a highly orchestrated campaign of indoctrination. The paedophilia is just the icing on the cake for a particularly depraved breed of Queer Theory opportunist.

Sounds like a paranoid right-wing conspiracy? Hell, of course, it does. It’s also horrifyingly true. Jerry Coyne of Why Evolution is True blog is no right-winger by any stretch of the imagination. But he’s no one’s useful idiot, either. So, when conservative Christopher Rufo writes a well-documented expose of Queer Theory indoctrination in Oregon’s public schools, Coyne just follows the evidence.

This issue is the kind of indoctrination—for that’s how I see it—that Portland students get in elementary school from kindergarten through grade 5. This means that the material is given to children from age 4-11, children who are quite young.

Just like Critical Race Theory, they’re not explicitly teaching Queer Theory qua QT to kids: but they’re indoctrinating them with material that follows an explicit, QT-derived ideology.

The lessons seek to turn the principles of academic queer theory into an identity-formation program for elementary school students […]
The premise is simple: privileged white heterosexuals have created an oppressive gender system in order to dominate racial and sexual minorities. As the curriculum explains, “gender is colonized,” and Western societies have used language to erase alternative sexualities.

As Coyne admits, this ideological slant is explicitly demonstrated in the documentation handed to teachers to fashion lesson plans for each age group.

Rufo summarizes them briefly in his piece, and you should read his take, checking up from the official curriculum at the preceding link. His take is pretty much on the money.

Why Evolution is True

Rufo’s summary is as follows:

The curriculum begins in kindergarten with an anatomy lesson featuring graphic drawings of children’s genitalia. The lesson avoids the terms “boy” and “girl” in favor of the gender-neutral variants “person with a penis” and “person with a vulva,” because, according to the curriculum, some girls can have penises and some boys can have vulvas. “Any gender and kid can have any type of body,” a related presentation reads.

In first and second grade, students are introduced to the key tenets of gender-identity theory […]

Students, the curriculum explains, can “change their name to match who they are, like their gender, culture, or just what they like better.” They can be “boys,” “girls,” “cisgender,” “transgender,” or “nonbinary,” and experiment with pronouns such as “they/them” and “ze/zir,” according to their personal preferences. “Only you can know what your gender is,” they are told.

In third through fifth grade, the district begins lessons on “LGBTQIA2S+” activism. The curriculum presents the categories of “man” and “woman” as manifestations of the “dominant culture” that has used sexual norms to oppress minorities […] This system, according to the lesson plan, is a form of “oppression” designed to benefit “white straight cis boys” and to punish “LGBTQIA2S+” people.

The “solution” to all this oppression, as promulgated by Oregon public schools, is classic Queer Theory:

Obliterate the “white colonizer” conception of sexuality, with its rigid male-female binary, and encourage students to inhabit “the infinite gender spectrum.” This means destroying the system of “cisheteronormativity” and promoting “queer” and “trans” identities […]

For some students, the subversion of the gender binary might also involve a gender transition. The curriculum provides a detailed explanation of how to “pause puberty” through “hormones and/or surgeries” and advice on adopting a “nonbinary” identity and set of pronouns.

City Journal

As Coyne notes, the really horrifying kicker comes at the end of fifth grade.

Students must pledge themselves to social change in the obvious ideological directions […]

Is this a reasonable way to teach children from ages 4-11? I don’t think so; I see it as a form of indoctrination into extreme gender theory. Some of it should go into health class, but this is a full-court press, and is inappropriate and propagandistic. Nowhere do the kids get to question a doctrine being rammed down their throats.

Why Evolution is True

As Rufo points out, this dangerous baloney is not just “a Portland thing”, it’s “becoming commonplace in public school systems across the United States”. And in Australia, under the guise of “Safe Schools”, and New Zealand, where it’s peddled as “Mates and Dates”.

Even Coyne admits that this is a sinister creation of the left (“a product of a Democratic school system”) and it’s eventually going to lead to a mighty push-back. “If people get riled up about anything, it’s about people propagandizing their children.”

And well they should. Virginia’s “Mama Bears” have shown us the way.
