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How They’re Transing the Gay Away

person's blue eyeshadow
Photo by Kyle

When I recently covered a Drag Queen Story Time event in Launceston, I spoke to a protester who used a rather compelling and succinct argument: They’re transing the gay away.

Much of the recent pushback against transgender activism has come from women. They argue that so-called “trans rights”, particularly “Self ID” which allows someone to “transition” on a whim and have the full sex-based rights as someone born in the opposite gender, is deeply inimical to women. They rightly point to such odious phrases as “birthing person”, “uterus havers”, and, now, the utterly dehumanising “egg producing”.

For their part, just to prove that they’re not rampant, misogynist autogynephiles, trans activists have adopted the mission statement, “Kill TERFS” (meaning, so-called “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists”: in other words, women who want to keep their hard-won, sex-based rights). They’ve even created a videogame, “Terfenstein 3D”, where a trans protagonists murders women “Nazis”.

Because that’s all totally normal behaviour.

But the protester I spoke to at Drag Queen Story Time wasn’t just a woman, she was a lesbian. She was there to represent the group “LGB Tasmania”, just one of a plethora of groups where gay people are rallying against the excesses of transgender ideology. As they rightly point out, transgenderism is a supposed “gender identity”, not a sexual preference. The “alphabet” should never have included the T.

More notably, they’re acutely aware that contemporary transgenderism is not just misogynist, it’s homophobic.

The available evidence indicates that most children who exhibit gender nonconformity in childhood grow up to be gay adults who are happy in their own bodies.

The largest follow-up study of gender nonconforming boys to date, conducted by a team led by Devita Singh of the University of Toronto, found that more than 87 per cent of boys who were gender dysphoric at age seven desisted by early adulthood. In other words, they grew out of it. Most of these young men also were biphilic/androphilic, which is the technical term for being attracted to men or to both sexes.

In other words, the vast majority of “trans” kids are really just confused homosexuals.

Researchers know that sexual orientation is immutable from a very young age, whereas gender identity is not.

They also know cross-sex behaviour is a strong predictor of homosexuality in adult men and, while homosexuality can be detected on brain scans, there are no such biological markers for transgenderism.

But the trans movement is even more rigid in enforcing strict gender roles than a 50s dad belting his son for being a pantywaist. There’s no room in their straitjacketed thinking for girly boys or butch girls. If a boy plays with dolls, then he must be a girl. If a girl climbs trees and plays with trucks, she must be a boy. If either of them is attracted to the same sex, they must be “in the wrong body”.

What a revoltingly homophobic worldview.

But, wait, aren’t we all so progressive and accepting of homosexuality, now? Apparently not.

In her new book about the now-closed Tavistock gender clinic, British journalist Hannah Barnes reports of clinicians recalling “multiple instances of young people who had suffered homophobic bullying at school or at home”, then later identifying as trans. According to one clinician, “so many times” parents would say: “Thank god my child is trans and not gay or lesbian.”

The Australian

Formerly trans whistleblowers also attest that presenting as trans is an instant ticket to near-celebrity status.

“I was a star, or least I felt like it. The teachers absolutely adored me and used me as an example all the time. I got special treatment. I could never do any wrong. The other boys in my class didn’t bully me or anything. I guess I really enjoyed the attention so I started to embrace it and play it up a bit.”

According to Lucas his mother was enjoying the attention just as much as he was.


It’s no coincidence that one of the most industrious transgender surgery nations is Iran. Which is not exactly noted for its progressive views on homosexuality.

Nevertheless, discomfort with sexuality is not an uncommon phenomenon, even among progres­sive parents. And homophobia certainly drives trans­gender­ism in countries outside of the West.

Iran, for example, is an interna­tional hub for gender reassignment surgery, while homo­sexuality is punishable by death. In 2007, Iranian politician and later president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad famously declared that Iran had no gay people. The state, meanwhile, helps fund sex-reassignment surgeries.

Speaking to The Economist, a 25-year-old Iranian chef explained: “I realised quite early on that I was gay.” But after he was expelled from school, his parents took him to a psychologist who offered a different explanation: “He told me I was transgender and had to change my sex.”

The Australian

Such company the trans lobby keeps.

And, for all the sound and fury over so-called “conversion therapy”, the most brutal and lifelong debilitating conversion therapy must surely be chemically and surgically mutilating the bodies of confused young homosexuals.

Yet, we’re supposed to believe that transing the gay away is the height of tolerance and progressiveness.
