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How to Handle a Woke Warrior Attacking Your Business

Bully Hayes staff pose with their name suggestion box. Photo credit: Supplied

I’ve just read the BFD article on the historian Scott Hamilton. There is a simple way to counter business destroying virtue signalers like Hamilton.

I am sure this whole thing has nothing to do with the fact that Scott Hamilton has some books to sell. Details are in his Twitter bio and I’m sure it’s totally unrelated.

Anyway, the answer is to use their own rules against them.

If you’ve read Saul Alinsky you’d understand this technique. I recommend all BFD users read his book. The shortened version costs $1 on Kindle:

Scott Hamilton claims to be really passionate and virtuous regarding the “offensive” name of the business. He has the luxury of virtue signalling without any financial repercussions.

That needs to stop.

Here are three ways to turn the tables on the virtue signaller.

1. Agree with the perpetually offended and say that you would love to change the business name, but you are financially unable to do so.

2. Tell the perpetually offended that in order to change the name you will have to get rid of one of your employees. All your employees are like family. How can you choose between re-branding your business and an employee?

3. Ask the perpetually offended to carry the cost of re-branding. I mean, they are very passionate about the issue aren’t they? They don’t want to cost an innocent employee their job now do they? The ball is then in the perpetually offended’s court and they have to play by their rules of compassion and virtue.

As soon as their virtue signally starts costing THEM money, they will stop doing it. As long as they get away Scott free (pun intended) it will continue.

Ok now Scott. Which one of these lovely staff members should lose their livelihood in order to pay for the name change for the restaurant that you have demanded? Take your time. We all know just how passionate you are about the issue. Don’t forget now to be compassionate and kind. I am sure the person who loses their job will understand how important it is for you to promote your books with social media virtue signalling.

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